Chapter 11- The Concert of a Lifetime

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Hello everyone!!! So I have not been updating in a while due to lack of inspiration. As is the same with my other story. So tonight, got some inspiration for the Nightrider! Enjoy!

p.s I know it's really long. lol I didn't mean it to be but there was a lot of info to cover in this chapter.

Listening to: Panic! At the Disco's new song Miss Jackson

 It was finally here. The day that Nathaniel and the band got discovered. I hadn’t spoken to Nathaniel after the party. After Laurel physically threatened me. And I didn’t know if I could break with Nathaniel, it tore me in two. But if he died because of me…it was all my fault and I didn’t think I could live with the guilt. In any case, I wouldn’t break with him until after the concert was done and if he got signed to the record company. Caroline visited frequently, to see how I was doing. From what I heard, Nathaniel was planning some big surprise for me, at tonight’s concert.

 At the school though, most people dissed Nathaniel and his group for everything, probably because they didn’t think “people like us” could make it on top and Nightrider was proving them wrong. Still, it didn’t buy us any brownie points with other kids our age. Frankly, I didn’t care what they thought because of the achievements my boyfriend was making. I couldn’t be happier for him. Yet, on the day of the big gig, I found myself sitting on my bedroom window seat, window cracked fully open, soft spring breeze blowing through. It unnerved me, so I decided to finish writing. My unfinished song, the Caldera, I decided, I was going to give to Nathaniel. I wrote the lyrics, but I could never put music to it. He would put some use to it more than I.

She saw it coming from the horizon, but no way to stop it.

This song

Leaves an imprint on me

Don’t ever ask why

It would mean getting to know me.

But should you care

It was the song you told me to listen too.

And you never looked back.

They called me names

Broke me down to the core

Nobody left a fighter in chains

Cascading in blood

Left to pick me up when I fell,

yet still no one there

Even those who called themselves friend

Weren’t there when I turned around

Sometimes we’d act like love

Others we’d be two strangers.

I thought something was special between us

And I never begged to tell

And I still don’t know where the time went

But I fear its end

Oh, the jealousy’s a bitch

And I wish it wasn’t there

But I can’t undo the past

A Clockwork Angel

Does that sound familiar?

I didn’t expect you to know either

With falling rain I wept

I just wish something happened

That placed us in the clouds as I slept

I just wanted to see what it was like

I longed it for my whole life

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