Chapter 3- Meeting Nightrider

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HEYY New update!!! Enjoy!!

Listening to-The Drug in ME is You- Falling in Reverse

I had arrived at the small, modern-refurnished lakeside cottage my Mom and family had once shared, but my siblings and I now owned. I’d texted Caroline of my arrival, and she told me she’d be over soon, she wanted me to meet her friends today so that, on Monday when I went to the new high school there I’d be around a group of people I’d already know.  Suffice to say I was nervous, but until she came I pulled out my notebook and began writing. Yeah, I liked to write, and draw, and listen to music. One of my guilty pleasures I suppose. Anyway, I opened it to a fresh, unsoiled page. I spent at least a good five minutes looking at it, and then wrote a title, for no apparent reason.

The Caldera

She falls into the ground, swallowed by the earth, vanquished by that in which swallows us all.

 Okay, maybe not the best execution, but still was it a entrance to a story, or a poem? I couldn’t write poetry, well okay I could, but I couldn’t make it rhyme if it killed me. But still a poem? No way.

 So I added another few lines as it came to me.

  Another lost, no casualty but who should care to remember?

 What did she mean to the world? Her tears fell as rain, crossed her face, frozen and small

 No chance, the Caldera swallowed her whole.

Say what they will, and they will talk their rage and ignorance hard against flesh

How would they know what she truly was? They were her murderers, her worst enemy, Nemesis.

 It wasn’t done, but I wasn’t getting any more out right now, and Caroline had just come up.

 “Caroline!” I called excitedly when I heard the door slam and eager footsteps race up the wooden staircase. Ripping open the door was my best friend, Caroline, her green eyes widened in happiness at me.

 “Noelle! Oh my gosh it’s been years! How are you?” She laughed.

 So I told her everything. The good and the bad.

 “Oh, Noelle! I can’t believe you have to go through this? And your stepmother is the one who called you and your family out?” She asked, clearly upset.

 I nodded, she gasped. I sighed.

 “I don’t need this Caroline; I know the risks I’m taking being here alone. But it’s better than going home and facing Lianne Delores, the witch. My father can’t do anything, he went insane after Mom’s death, and Lianne made it worse. You know? You’ve heard it before. But for the first time in my life, I actually feel kind of free and safe.” I explained to her.

 “Well that’s good, I think. Even if she does call the cops after you, you can tell them what she’s done, and they’ll listen to you…probably.” She told me. She pulled me up from the empty, unfinished bright bedroom that I could now officially call mine.

 “Come on, were going to meet up with the guys, and Biella.”


 “Yeah, close friend of mine, her brother’s in that band I was telling you about. The one I’m friends with.”

 “Oh, so where are we meeting?”

 “The Warehouse, band practice is there. You’re officially coming to observe.”

 I laughed.

 “Observe? What about making friends?”

 “That too.” Caroline laughed. I grabbed my handbag in the corner, and shrugged on my black hoodie, pulling the hood up over my head. Feeling the thick fabric fall over my eyes, I smiled.

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