Chapter 6- Time That's Lost.

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Heyyy I'm back! Didn't get to write much last weekend because I went to a convention with a friend. Btw it was awesome!! It was an anime convention and next year definitely cosplaying

Anyway: Listening to- A Fever You Can't Sweat Out CD- Panic! At the Disco

 They say that death shouldn’t be feared, it is a graduation to something better, but I find it hard to believe Julia willingly left life. The police said just about as much; saying she was probably depressed since they found her body washed downriver from a bridge, a suicide note, damply left crumpled in her bag. Seth tried to say to them there was more here than what was to be seen.

 But they never did listen,

 The night I found out about Julianne’s death, I fainted of shock, and Nathaniel carried me home to my brother. He’s been staying with us ever since, sleeping in my room with me, making sure I don’t do something stupid. Meanwhile, I’m just glad the police didn’t find out we were living here illegally. Julia’s body was released from analysis three days after her alleged death. Now for the funeral plans. They took away one of the greatest people in the world to ever live, Julianne Eleanor Rise. She was my sun in darkness, my angel in Hell.

 I hate whoever did this, I hate them all. If I knew who killed my sister, I’d rip them to shreds; wipe them clean off the Earth. I’d drench them in battery acid and grin as the writhed in pain, their flesh slowly burning away. Words cannot express this dark mist that settled over my life the day the murderer decided to pull the trigger. The world is unjust, nobody willing to help unless offered a price. Nobody willing to offer solace in a time of need, like rats in a sewer. Dirty, disgusting, and hidden.

 My tears never stop falling it seems. Nathaniel has been an angel since. He’s been a dear friend, taking care of me, and I truly appreciate it. But in light of what’s happened I’ve been developing feelings for him. More than I’m willing to say. I’m constantly alone, and rarely speak or leave the house. Nathaniel’s the only one who can talk to me or get me to do something. Other than that I just…sit. Stunned and alone. Seth, I feel bad for because he must hate putting up with me alone. But he cares, and loves me still. Sometimes the rest of the band and their girlfriends come over, and I can tell they at least worry over me. I barely knew them and yet they were closer to me than most. But in the end Caroline and Biella mostly spend their time with me.

 But no matter what they do, I’m like ice. Cold and numb inside, hardened like rock, but if hit hard enough, I will break into a thousand crystals. At least when Nathan comes he relieves my pain. Sometimes he stays overnight, other times he stays at Vince’s. And I love him for what he does. I think despite the situation, I may be falling in love with him.

 But I know Julia was murdered, and I’m going to find out whom to bring us true closure. I hear my brother’s sobs at night when he sleeps in Julia’s room. It kills me to hear it. I think I may have some prime suspects in line as well. But not very many, people always took a liking to Julia. She was a loveable person. I pulled out my notebook, the one with the unfinished song in it.

 In the face of our shadows, or demons rise allowing us to die without being seen.

She saw it coming from the horizon, but no way to stop it.

This song

Leaves an imprint on me

Don’t ever ask why

It would mean getting to know me.

But should you care

It was the song you told me to listen too.

The NightriderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz