Chapter 7- Trusting Echoes

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Heyyy new update!! Enjoy!

Listening to- Cross My Heart- Marianas Trench

I was really excited for Nathaniel and the band. So my usual moping around was never around because I was at practices helping the band prep for their big gig. I knew Nathaniel wanted everything to be perfect, so they worked Riley like crazy during practices. Sometimes the band’s girlfriends came, but normally it was Caroline, Biella, and I. I had actually gotten to know Biella really well, and Austin’s girlfriend Elora. Biella and Elora were very close friends and Biella sometimes brought her to practice which was how Elora and Austin met. Nathaniel was usually busy writing lyrics for the endless list of potential songs. As of right now he was writing the lyrics for a new song he called “Trusting Echoes” .

 “Okay so Vince, this is the first verse, it’s all I got right now.” I heard him say to Vince, who sat at his drum kit.

 He read aloud.

It pains me each time to hear her name

Stings like a wretched needle

Rips my chest open like flames

but you didn't know

And you never will.

“Alright, well I want a fast beat. Maybe something like this?” He proceeded to hit a new beat and added “This sounds like anger, so maybe this fits?” He nearly continued questioningly.

 Nathaniel nodded.

“Yeah, I like that. I also just thought of another lyric the fall of Autumn’s wind, in the cold she made you ill.

 Vince laughed.

“Dude, I love the inspiration that never happened before! Also maybe we could try making some inspirational songs? Like some that everyone can relate too.” Vince asked hopefully. He nodded, smiling, they were both truly excited. After, Tysen and Austin and Riley got to work on the guitars, and began to make this song a reality. They all thought their lifelong dream was a reality now. All they needed to do was impress the scouts from the record company. Everything was coming together in just two short days.

 They stayed late now, so I usually caught a ride with Caroline or Biella.

 “Hey Noelle, Biella and I are leaving, need a ride?” Caroline asked. I nodded and saying good-bye to the guys we left. We drove down the long dirt road past the farms which now had eerie, Halloween-like qualities to them. With the window open, a coyote could be heard howling at the full silvery moon.  But if that wasn’t creepy enough, I had the weirdest feeling someone was following me. I looked behind my seat as we drove, only seeing the dark outline of Biella’s head, nothing more. But that icy feeling that I was being watched.

 “Hey, Noelle, what’s up, you’ve been acting really skittish lately.” Biella commented. Caroline nodded.

 “Yeah, there something wrong?” Caroline asked.

 “I think were being followed.” I admitted. Caroline pulled the car over, bumps from the gravel rocking the car.

Caroline got out of the driver’s side. I got out, leaving Biella.

 “What the fuck are you doing!?” I exclaimed. Caroline looked at me in the darkness, her face barely recognizable, the only light cast from her IPhone flashlight.

 “Well, you say there is someone following us? I’m going to go check. But first, if you think for some reason this might be Julia’s ghost following us, that’s perfectly normal, it’s a part of the mourning stages.” Caroline said softly.

 “Never mind Caroline. Clearly you think I’m going delusional.” I muttered. I climbed back in the Toyota. I slammed the door shut, and waited for Caroline, following suit. She began driving a few minutes later.

 “Noelle…” She began, but I cut her off.

 “Save it.” I growled.

“Look Noelle, this is totally normal. She died; you’re probably feeling the effects of it now. Why won’t you just tell anyone! Biella, Nathaniel, myself?! We’re all worried about you.” She sighed. I felt Biella fidget uncomfortably in the back.

 “Look, drop me off here; were only a few kilometres from my house, I’ll walk. Thanks for the ride.” I said, and I opened the door, making her stop suddenly.

 “Dammit Noelle!” She shouted. I hopped out of the car.

 “Don’t think you know anything Caroline. You’re my best friend; I’d think you’d know better. But I’m not what you think, and if you don’t believe that, well that’s your prerogative, but I won’t be staying around to play depressed girl for you. Call me when you’re ready to really listen to me.” I said. I walked home, sure it was cold and had begun to rain, but it was better than spending it in a depressing car with Dr. Psychiatrist Caroline Anderson.

 When I got home, Seth was waiting for me. He wanted to make sure I got home safely. Ever since Julia…well you can probably understand. He was the last bit of family I had left now.

 I went up to my room, pacing, and switched on my old laptop. I signed on to the internet, and then got onto my e-mail. There were some Facebook notifications, Twitter stuff, my Tumblr stuff, and one e-mail from an unknown sender. I hesitantly opened it. My spine gave out a shiver when I saw the words that showed up on the screen.

  Julianne was a warning. There is more to come. Do not call the police.

  There was no name from the sender. Odd enough because it had to come from a sender, but the computer said that there was a privacy block on the name and address. Fear stung my stomach as I signed off, and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Nathaniel wasn’t here; he couldn’t stop me this time.

 I grabbed the razor off the shelf; I had done this a few times after Julia’s death. I blamed it on myself for some reason. Nathaniel convinced me it wasn’t my fault and I shouldn’t be doing this. But now I knew I had a hand in her death. He couldn’t deny it any longer.

 I began to cut.

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