Chapter 8- Ressurect and Investigate

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Listening to- My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark- Fall Out Boy

Also picture of the "Special Place" Nathaniel and Noelle go too on right! :D

Three long, angry red lines now bled across my wrist in the shape of a J. I’d done worse in the past, but this one was for Julia. I killed her. Now I would have the scar as a reminder. I heard footsteps in the hall, and rushed to clean up the mess I made. Seth came to the door.

 “Noelle, open up!” He shouted, damn, Nathaniel must’ve told him when he came over what I’m doing when the bathroom door was locked.

 I tried to grab some cloths or something to cover up the mess on my wrist, but then suddenly the door came crashing down. I screamed, and then, saw Seth standing worriedly in the doorway.

 “Dammit Noelle! The Hell do you think you’re doing?” He yelled, rushing over, panicked, to me, inspecting me all over, finally stopping at the bleeding rags over my wrists.

He sighed.

“Why Noelle? Nathaniel told me this might happen. I just want to know why.”

 But I couldn’t tell Seth about the blackmail. Not yet. He’d just started recovering from Julianne’s death, and was working at a stable job while going back to school for bio-engineering. Life was starting to even out for him, and I was not going to be the thing that ruined it for him.

 “I can’t.” I began to sob. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, and I cried, like a baby in Seth’s arms. We stayed like this for the longest time.

 “It’s going to be okay Noelle. I know it will be, and I know if Julianne were here, she’d be singing stupid happy songs trying to make us both laugh. And I do know she wouldn’t want us to be crying over her grave. She’d want us to be making a life for ourselves.” He said softly. I nodded, but he could tell I’d need more persuasion than just his words.

 “I’m going to call Nathaniel, you want him over? He’s like a brother to me now, I swear.” Seth laughed, trying to lighten the mood. I smiled slightly and nodded. He smiled.

“Good I’ll call now.” But I figured Seth would tell Nathaniel everything. Which was fine, but Nathaniel would probably have a heart attack when he heard.

 Sure enough, fifteen minutes later, a pounding of feet thundered up the steps.


 “Hello Nathaniel.” I whispered softly, eyeing my scarred wrists.

“Don’t hello Nathaniel me crap, you know why I’m here. Tell me why you did it.” I most definitely wasn’t going to tell Nathaniel about the blackmail, I didn’t really feel that he should be in the dark though, based on what happened to Julianne.

 “This!” I showed him the e-mail, one of which he understood.

“This could be a sick trick from someone you have class with.” He softly said. I shook my head sighing.

“But I know it isn’t nobody else but you and Caroline knew about this. It’s not Caroline, before you say it. That’s not her style and she’s known for a while about this. She’s definitely not the one to do this.”

“You have any known enemies?” He asked.

“Not that I can think of. Well counting my evil stepmother, one. But how could she known where we are. Killing isn’t her style, otherwise, I’d be dead myself.” But still, the possibility of her having a hand in the death of Julianne was a possibility.

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