Chapter 10-The Masquerade and The Affair

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Heyy everyone so after two long weeks of exam prep and exams and school I have updated!! Moonrisen Angel will be coming soon as well!

Listening to- King For a Day-  Pierce the Veil

Also pictures of  the site of the party on the side! :D :D :D :D :D

“Come on Noelle! We’ve got 2 hours and about forty-five minutes to go find the perfect dress for you that will make Nathaniel drop dead.” Biella laughed. Caroline sat next to her smiling. We hadn’t talked much since that night in her car, but I think she wanted to be forgiven, and I was ready to make amends. She was my best friend, and there was no way we should stay like this over something stupid.

“Yeah, but honestly I don’t think I know how comfortable I am with Nathaniel seeing me in something like a dress.” I admitted quietly.

“Oh come now Noelle! We’ll find the sexiest, awesomest dress ever!” Biella exclaimed happily, pulling me out of my room down to Caroline’s car.

Caroline drove us to the local mall, while on the way Biella chatted happily about the upcoming party. Me? I was still trying to figure out who sent that e-mail to me and why they would.

Dal’s party was the first party I’d ever been invited too…anywhere. I mean sure, I loved parties, but I’d never actually had friends to begin with, so that made the whole partying idea kind of a problem. Now I actually was supposed to show up as Nathaniel’s new girlfriend and though we weren’t exactly popular to begin with, I felt like I had to outshine the prestigious Laurel Stephens. Caroline drove me and Biella out to the local mall, where she claimed it had “the best dress store since Le Chateau” from what I gathered this place was called Glow.

 Once we arrived, actually physically seeing the place was an entirely different story. My types of stores were HMV, Hot Topic, and Spencer’s. Not these frilly, Cinderella joints with poofy dresses that the preps wore.

“Oh Hell no, Caroline. What do you have me pegged for? A Princess?” I asked her. Biella was stifling a laugh, which was quickly shot down by my death glare.

“Oh stop being dramatic silly. I’m not one for them either, except this place caters to our every need. You’ll find the dress here.” She assured me, and hesitantly convinced me to give it a try.

 When we entered, a preppy saleslady approached us dressed in a white blouse and black pencil skirt. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a bun, and everyone could hear the click! Click of her black pumps hitting the floor.

 “Hello and welcome to Glow! My name is Ally. How can I help you?” She asked, smiling. Caroline didn’t miss a beat.

“Yeah, we’re looking for a party dress for a club. Got anything for us?” Caroline smirked. I knew what she was playing at. So did Ally.

She smiled.

“Of course I do. One minute please, oh, and do head over to the fitting rooms please.” But I knew Caroline and Biella had their dresses. This was for me.

Ally returned quickly.

“Oh is this for all three of you?”

“No, only her.” Caroline pointed to me.

“Ah, well you may all go to the fitting rooms. I think I know exactly what you want dear.” She said to me before dashing off again.

“Caroline…” I said uncertainly.

“Don’t worry; you’ll be here fifteen minutes tops. They know exactly what you want before you do.” Caroline replied breezily. She showed me over to the fitting rooms, where Ally waited and handed me about three dresses.”

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