Chapter 4- That Girl Named....

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Heyyy everyone! New update!!

Listening to Linkin Park- Session

   At the high school there in Vancouver I took few classes, mainly poetry, music, art, and some Writer’s Craft. Aside from the required ones which Math and English acquired, I didn’t do much. My first day went as expected, people stared at me each class, some even glaring at me. Probably because I hung out with the crowd that got all the names, the least popular of the bunch. But other than that I had Caroline and Nathaniel and the guys to be around me, with their girlfriends who never left their sides. Spare rolled around and I saw Nathaniel had the same spare as I. He sat on a bench with papers shuffling around in his hand.

  “Noelle! Come over here!” He yelled flailing his hands in the air like an idiot. People laughed, some even stopped to call him names. I paid them no attention as I laughed and came over and sat down on the long bench.

 “Hey Nathaniel, what’s up?” I laughed. He smiled shyly. He took a white page out of his notebook, ripping it from the spine. He pushed it to me and I gripped it.

 The title on the page said Noelle’s Song.

I laughed at his determination. I should’ve known, I was blushing inside and out. He’s writing me a song! OH MY GOD I AM SO FANGIRLING RIGHT NOW!  There were only two lines on the sheet, and I could tell this was a hit.

Hello Angel, I see you there

Shyly looking at me, a starstruck stare.

 “Oh, Nathaniel, it already sounds amazing! I can’t wait to see it all!” He smiled a wide smile, some black wisps of hair falling into his gray eyes, as he nearly shivered with excitement,

 “I am SO glad you like it, I was so afraid to show you even the first two lines! I thought you wouldn’t approve at first!”

 “Of course I’d love it!” I laughed. “I’m so touched you put that much thought into what I’d think of it at first.” He shuffled some more pages around in his songbook.

 “I also starting writing another song, I think you’re right, and if I want to become part of a band that’s famous, we need some original work. Here, check this one out!” He exclaimed excitedly. He gave me the songbook and I read the title.

  It was called Juliet

In the night she walks

A figure be

An ebony beauty

Once more, no match for me

They all follow her

She has them round her finger

In hook, line, and snicker

And until their blood runs red

Right down her street

We shall not meet

Dear, Juliet why do you do this to me

Juliet why were you the fair beauty?

You were everything to me

An idol, you had the golden life

But when I look at you

I only see shadows and lies

I do not say much

Or pretend to worship a Queen

But I can’t help but wonder

Why not me?

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