Chapter 1- Angels and Demons

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Chapter 1: Angels and Demons

  “Noelle! Get down here now!” My sister, Julia called worriedly.

   This couldn’t be good, where was Seth, my brother? I sighed, another bad sign.

 “Noelle!” Julia called again. The panicked yell echoed around the small house.

 “Julia, where’s Seth?” She bit her lip, as if afraid to say.

 “She’s back.” Julia trembled, shaking. She being the step-mother our father married. She being Lianne Delores the drunken, drugged-up whore of a woman, who constantly abused us. She usually went away for days on end, leaving my father in a constant state of depression to the point where we had to take him to a hospital. I visit him constantly, and I don’t tell him how horrible life is either.  If she was back, then it meant we had to leave. We always had our bags packed for just this thing.

 “Seth’s getting the car ready. We have maybe ten minutes to flee.” Julia whispered, unable to speak.  The woman scared each of us to death because we were beaten on a daily basis if we didn’t leave, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lianne sober, she really shouldn’t drink, for it makes her more violent than I’m willing to say.

 Anyway, I knew Lianne hated when we ran off, but when we left there wasn’t much for her to do but sit there making death threats on our cell phones, which we all tried to ignore. And hence the life I lived. I hated it. Even in school I was picked on, or beaten up called names like emo fucker or weirdo, insane, stupid, and the occasional, go die, life would be easier if you weren’t in it. Yes, it did seem life would be better, but I still had that irrational hope, like a candle left to burn in a cold, harsh wind that was unable to stop. I had dreams, unfortunately, and I clung to them as my life preserver. Nobody, not even my own family knew me, or what I wanted or stood for. My own head was a jungle of dead ends and mazes, one of which was never solved.

 “I’m ready, let’s go.”  I murmured running out the small beaten up silver Toyota Camry where Seth waited in the driver’s seat. Once we were in we left. We drive all the way out to Vancouver, British Columbia which is 4000 km from our home in London, Ontario. My biological mother’s family owned a summer home there, which they left to us, or rather my mom did, and that was interesting because Dad never got it. It was like she knew we’d need it. Now I knew I was safe for the moment, and since I was the youngest, my older brother and sister who are probably so overprotective it’s scary, tried to make sure I’d had a blessed, incredible life. I hurt to see them try so hard, and it made me feel guilty.

  “Well, here we go again. But look on the bright side Noelle; at least you’ll see Caroline again.” Ah, Caroline Anderson, my only close friend, who like me, was what society considered “emo”. She had bleached blonde hair, and blue eyes, and cream coloured skin and was about 5’’4. Before I continue I should probably say something about myself first. My name is Noelle Carol Rise, I’m sixteen years old with dark auburn hair dyed black-blue, straight, and deep blue eyes. I have ivory skin and am 5’’8. My life is music, and consists of listening to bands like Black Veil Brides, Falling in Reverse, Something You Whisper, and Marianas Trench. I love action movies and superheroes (yes I am a nerdfighter if you really want to know). I want to be a journalist/writer/graphic designer when I get older, and most of all live somewhere where I can never be hurt again. I like Ringette, and I used to play the sport (which is like hockey, except different with rules) until my mom died. So that’s me.

 “Yeah, it could be fun. How long are we staying this time?” I asked Seth. He looked to Julia, and she sighed. I knew something was up.

 “What’s wrong guys?” Julia was 19 and Seth was 20, and they still hadn’t gone to University despite the fact that they were practically super geniuses. But right then when Julia sighed, fear clutched my stomach.

 “Well…Noelle, we aren’t.” She started. My stomach fell.

 “What?!” What about Dad, the house, our stuff! We’re leaving it all behind! How can you two do this?”  I gasped. I couldn’t believe they’d abandon everything without at least letting me pack or say good-bye.

 “We can’t keep escaping to this house whenever she threatens us. We need to settle somewhere, and this may be our only safe option.” Julia explained.

 “But Dad…he’s still in clinical care! He needs us!”

 “No, he’s on the brink of insanity! He doesn’t even remember us anymore! The Dad we all knew and loved is gone Noelle! Gone!”  Julia exclaimed.

 Everything went silent then, and I knew the people who were my angels, had given up, and the people who were my demons, were still undecided.

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