"It's complicated, okay bunny? You'll understand it one day, but just remember that we won't let them anywhere near you, they can control our lives, but they will never have any power over you, okay? We promise." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I mumbled, and Harry set me down on the ground.

I went and sat down next to Zayn, who put his arm around my shoulders and hugged me tightly. I got comfortable in Zayn's arms, lying down with my head resting in his lap.

"Fancy a game of FIFA?" Harry asked Zayn.

"Sure." He shrugged, accepting the remote Harry held out to him.

Harry turned on the game and the two of them went mad, yelling things at each other to put the other off. Zayn sat up right, moving around as he got into the game. I groaned quietly as I got up from his lap, sitting in the middle of both of them. The two kept on yelling and jumping about as Liam and Niall entered the room, holding many plates of food.

"I'm playing the winner." Niall announced, his eyes mesmerised on the screen.

"Hey angel, did you sleep well?" Liam asked me, sitting next to Zayn on the sofa, passing me a plate of food.

I nodded in reply and began to pick at my food. Liam passed me a juice box as well, before digging into his own food. Niall came and perched on the arm of the sofa, so involved in the game his food was left almost untouched.

The boys continued to play for another 20 minutes, before someone popped their head round the door and told us we had to go for the interview and Louis was already there. The boys sighed and exited their game of FIFA, before standing up and stretching. I slouched further into the sofa, tired and not wanting to go do the interview.

"Come on darling." Liam said, holding his hand out to me.

I looked at his outstretched hand and blinked, before looking back at his face. He chuckled and shook his head, grinning at me. Suddenly I felt his hands wrap around me, lifting me up bridal style. I began to giggle, causing me to squirm about in his grip. He laughed and tickled my sides, making me squeal even louder as he carried me along, following behind the other boys. After weaving through various corridors we made it to the recording booth, where Louis was chatting to the radio DJ who would be interviewing the boys. We were guided into the booth and headphones were placed on all our heads, allowing us to hear the DJ better.

"Hey chicken, how's your head?" Louis asked, taking me from Liam's arms and holding me on his lap.

"Its okay, just a little sore." I shrugged, leaning back against his chest.

"Do you want to go sit with Paul for the interview?" He asked me.

"Actually, would it be okay if Steph joined in for the interview?" The DJ asked us.

"I'm sure she'd love to." Louis grinned, "What do you say baby?"

"Yes please." I smiled shyly, glad I didn't have to leave the boys.

"My name's Luke, by the way. So for the interview I'll just ask you a couple questions then we'll take some calls from the viewers then we'll get you all to say goodbye then you're free to go." Luke grinned.

All the boys nodded, and Luke told us it would be a couple more minutes until we went on. The boys just chatted to Luke while a couple of songs played, and I sat on Louis' lap, only half listening. I felt so stupid with my bandage still on, and my head was beginning to hurt more and more, the pain killers wearing off.

"Lou?" I said softly, interrupting the conversation.

"Yeah chicken?"

"Please may I have another pain killer?" I asked in a small voice.

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