I Act Like I'm Tough, He Treats Me Like A Teddy Bear ; 14

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Is she okay, what happened?

I don’t know, she’s been out for a bit, she… got hurt.

What how?

The voices were sounding slightly panicked. I was tired, feeling a little dizzy, they were starting to blur together. They kept talking. I recognized the voices eventually, but I was uable to distinguish the words. I tried to open my eyes move, I was too tired, I wanted to sleep. So I did.

I opened my eyes slowly, there were two figures hunched over me, Carson’s eyes looked bloodshot and swollen, Josh looked sad and he had a worry line on his brow.

I tried to moved and a gasp of pain escaped from my lips. I whimpered.

“Oww.” I mumbled. “OMG are you okay!” Carson said a little to loudly, I winced at the noise. She lowered her voice.

My voice sounded rough and horse when I spoke. “Yeah, I’m good.” Josh was looking at me. my eyes questioned if he told her, he didn’t.

I let out a relieved breath and then brought in another sharp gasp as I felt the spot in my abdomen.

“Josh said you guys were hangning out and you tripped and cut your self, your so clumsy, I mean come one, and like you started bleeding a lot and passed out. He cleaned up for you and even stitched you shut, he said it wasn’t really deep or anything, but your going to have to be careful so you don’t pull out your stitches. I’ve been freaking out. I mean ugh” she finished throwing her hands up in frustration.

“Can you get me so Advil?” I asked. My voice really did sound horrible.

She gave me two extra strength pills and water and helped me tip it into my mouth so I could swallow. It started to feel numb after a bit and we started talking. Carson then left for her afternoon class and left Josh and I alone. His eyes were questioning and I told him what had happened. He seemed to believe me.

I still couldn’t believe I told him about, everything. I never even told Ami. Just thinking about her made me want to cry, I held in my tears.

“Thank you.” I said, he smiled and kissed my forehead. I wanted to kiss him so badly right now.

“You need to stay in bed for a few days. Be sure not to open that cut. If you need help with anything, get Carson to help.” I wrinkled my nose and he laughed softly, he knew how much I hated being babied. Ugh, he insisted I were to ask for help and then made me promise I would.

Reluctantly I agreed.

He was already told the headmaster and he gave me full pardon for the next 2 weeks, as long as I completed the work in my room. The teachers were sending over all the work tomorrow.

Soon Josh had to go and I watched him leave, feeling slightly disappointed.

I then drifted off into sleep and smiled at the dreams of us together. Holding hands, running in unison, swimming, kissing. Just being together, I dreamt we were married and had a little girl. She had his dimples and eyes. She was gorgeous and I smiled thinking and dreaming.

I hope things were going to get easier. I really do.

When I opened my eyes and read the clock, it was 11:11. needless to say I made a wish. Then fell back asleep imagining my wish come true.

I Act Like I'm Tough, He Treats Me Like A Teddy BearWhere stories live. Discover now