I Act Like I'm Tough, He Treats Me Like A Teddy Bear ; 10

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I found myself unable to concentrate during my all of my morning classes. English, like usual was a challenge. Like usual, since it’s a Wednesday, we were assigned to write a paper the entire class on the subject of her choice. Today’s lucky theme is, drum roll please, politics.

I wanted to cry I was so bored, of course I was just being my usual drama queen, but instead of focusing on the blank sheet of paper laying on the table, I daydreamed about what could possibly happen tomorrow at breakfast.

Soon I found the bell ringing, I muttered some profanities under my breath and walked out of the classroom without handing in the blank sheet of paper. It’d be pretty useless.

“Rose!!!” I heard a whiny voice from behind me. I turned around and glared playfully at my best friend Ami.

“Wait up! We have next class together right?” she said. I nodded and stopped waiting for her to catch up.

We walked together chatting about useless, or pointless topics. We sat next to each other in math, and since she had two more classes afterwards I told her my plans to do some swimming. It had been a while since I went in the water and I have to say, I sort of missed it.

I groaned as I copied out the homework written on the board. I know I had to write my paper for tomorrow in English since I didn’t do it in class, the teacher would expect it, and I still have work from these past few days that I missed. So I really should’ve been planning on doing work after lunch but I decided against it.

I worked on the math as much as possible in class but barley made it halfway down the list. I might have to skip classes tomorrow to complete the work. I sighed heavily, well mentally. I didn’t want to skip anymore classes because I really didn’t feel like any small things going into my record for Jimmy to complain about Friday for my P.O meeting.

I’m suppose to have them once a month and the next one is coming up pretty quickly. I’ve stayed out of trouble. I’ll just say I’m sick or something and stay in all day. I told Ami and Carson later on while we were waiting for Josh and Seth, plus the rest of the guys to come to lunch.

I saw Trey and he was staring at Ami, eyes wide and he looked like he was literally about to salivate.

I mimed gagging behind Ami, who was sitting beside me and Trey scowled. I smiled winningly and stuck my tongue at him.

Josh came and sat on my other side, he was in a deep conversation with Dylan at the moment. I started talking to Ami and Carson, Seth had sat beside her and was playing with her hair. I chuckled at him, he was or could be such a dork.

Soon lunch was over and I headed back to the dorm to drop my bag and change into my swim suit. About fifteen minutes later I was diving into the cool water. The sum was high and the sky was blue. Needless to say, it was a gorgeous day. I swam my laps and then floated on my back. Finally I decided I wasted enough time and climbed out of the pool toweling off and slipping my black tank top over my head grabbing my bag and headed back towards my dorm.

I ran into Chris on the way, I shot a glare at him and he smiled seemingly impressed with what he had done. I gave him the finger and kept walking. He made it quite obvious that he was staring after me, I just rolled my eyes and climbed my dorm stairs.

I showered quickly and began my work. I finished math and wrote my English essay. Soon though I was getting so completely bored of the politics I just sort of fell asleep.

I woke up to Carson shaking me frantically the next morning. She had a wild look in her eye and it scared the shit out of me.

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