Number 5

145 18 33

Number 5

by sloanranger

My first she was a goodwyfe, I know that now -  was true,

at least a whole lot better than, ever was next 2.

Now, 3 there was some magic, though she made herself the boss -

still and all, t'was tragic - when bad lobster brought her loss.

And 4 - I had my hopes up, a beauty through and through –

though thirty years too young for me,  thought I could see it through.

Then one night I came home – she's with a bloke called Brad;

he's 25 - just  like her ... but seems a likely lad.

Her and me, we both agreed – we'd best call it a day,

but Brad I asked, with more than glee: "Would you like to stay?"

"You see, I have an opening soon - for my number 5,

and you're just about the cutest thing, I've ever seen alive!"

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