Tell Me

133 21 29

Tell Me

by sloanranger

Tell me what you think,

tell me what you want,

tell me what to hide

and tell me what to flaunt.

Tell me when you love me,

lie the times you don't;

say to me what not to do

and I promise you, I won't.

We shall be so happy,

I know we really will -

you can do the banking

and I will watch the till.

You pick out our leaders,

start and stop the wars,

I'll decide where we live

and when to buy the cars.

You can wear the pants,

I shall wear a skirt,

I can do the cooking

and you can iron your shirts.

We'll be so gosh-darn happy,

romance will be non-stop -

the only thing to fight about -

who's turn, to be on top : )

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