IV: you said times change

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It's a weird cycle of popularity. Everyone wanted to know us and those who knew us wanted to be us. The entire school kept up with the drama of whatever was going on with us. Was this really what I had signed up for?

"What are you still doing here? School ended two hours ago." I pointed out, crossing my arms and leaning against my car.

"I need a ride home, come on TayTay, take me home." He sung goofily and laughed as he stood by the passenger seat.

"TayTay?" I laughed, unlocking the door and sitting in the driver's seat.

"Hey can we get some icecream first, from the McDonalds drive through? I'll pay." He seemed happy today. Well now.

"Matt, maybe another time? I really have to get home right now." I said, backing out of the parking lot and starting the drive toward my apartment.

"Suit yourself. So why don't we go hang out later then?" He suddenly mentioned. I was curious why Matt was so keen on becoming friends with me, but I wasn't going to question his motives.

"Are you asking me out?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, no, believe me, wouldn't want to mess with Jake. I mean as friends." He smirked.

"What do you have in mind?"

"We could go bowling. . . I like bowling."

"So me, you, alone, bowling? Sounds like a date Matt." I laughed.

"Suit yourself, my mom wanted to get to know the neighbors. . . it's not a date, unless you want it to be." He smirked deviously, wiggling his eyebrows. How had I not met this lunatic earlier in life? We would've been best friends if we had met sooner.

"Does your mom cook?" I took the opportunity to ask, a plan forming in my devious blonde head.

"Yeah, she's a great cook actually." He smiled proudly. 

"Oh cool, then just come over to my house in an hour and your mom can bond with my mom on cooking stuff and we can hang out."

"Are you asking me out?" He laughed, crossing his arms with a smug smile on his face.

"Yeah totally." I rolled my eyes.

"Taylor, you missed the turn." He suddenly pointed out.

        It was the like end of the world for me in that very moment. I felt like hyperventilating. I was lost. I hated the feeling the disgusting muck I felt when I felt lost. I always had a plan. Lost?! Me?! Impossible?!

"Calm down, you can take the next one." He said, comfortingly patting my back.

"I wasn't stressing so I don't need to calm down." I pointed out, lying.

"So you're saying that just now, when you looked like you were going to puke and then jump out of the car and walk home, that wasn't you stressing?" He laughed, his hand lingering on my back.

"I wasn't." I repeated, turning onto new unfamiliar grounds.

"Who was then?"

"Your mom." I crossed my arms, then y crossed them and put them on the steering wheel. I turned right and then in a matter of minutes, we were home.


"You're crazy." I muttered, staring at Matt's poor attempt at a handstand.

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