III: my last shred of pride

Start from the beginning

        I looked at him wide-eyed wondering if I should tell him the honest answer to his query. He went to my school and I never met him. How odd! I thought I knew everyone.

        "Uh. . . I mean, don't you live in that rich neighborhood? What were you and your sister doing all week? Moving in?"

        "My mom and I moved in. Personal reasons." I smiled politely as I stood up, walking the short steps upstairs and into our tiny apartment. "It was nice meeting you Matt." I waved as I entered and shut the door.

        I hopped into my too-big bed almost, burying my face in the pillow. This was definately going to be a long week.


        "Tay, wake up." Mom knocked on my door, walking in and sitting beside my bed.

        "No." I whined, burying my face into the familiar smelling mattress. Home is where the heart it, I should be happy I still have my mother. But why do I feel so resentful and angry? Where the hell is my father?

        "Taylor Lance Blakely. You better get up and to school this instant!" She said, pulling the covers off me and throwing my pillows onto the disgusting dirt-coated carpet.

        "Mom!" I shouted, immediately picking up the pillow and angrily crossing my arms, "I don't know the way from here."

        "Use a GPS." She flipped her hair and walked out of the room. I groaned, tying my hair up into an adorable high ponytail. I wore my favorite high-tops with skinny jeans and my favorite white tanktop.

        I grabbed my brown bag and walked out of the apartment door, slicking my hair back even tighter into the pony tail. I looked at the two cars we'd brought, we would donate our other four later along with the mansion, I just couldn't understand why we couldn't sell our belongings. Those things all cost a fortune. We would be rich and able to afford something better than this shack-like apartment.

        "Morning princess." Mathew said, stepping beside me as our feet moved in a perfect rhythm. He smelled of shampoo and it smelled lovely.

        "Actually, I think I was the queen, if I recall correctly." I laughed, feeling smug. I glanced at the striped blue gradient on his shirt and his navy blue khaki shorts.

        "Well then, good morning queen. Need a ride?" He offered, tossing his black jansport backpack over his shoulder. His light brown hair still wet from an obvious shower.

        "No, I have my own car actually, but thanks for the offer!" I smiled cheerily.

        "Well great because I need a ride and I don't feel like waking up my mom." He laughed.

        "You don't have your drivers license?" I was shocked, I had assumed everyone had their driver's license by now.

        "Not yet, I should've got it two years ago but never had time." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

        "Oh, then yeah sure, come on, I don't know the way to school from here so maybe you can help me out." I smiled politely. "Is the school far?"

        "Not really. Maybe twenty minutes." He shrugged, I felt my jaw drop to the ground. Twenty freaking minutes to get to school?! And how could he not think that was far.

        "Oh." Was all I could manage to say. Aside from my initial shock, I didn't realize twenty minutes could be so short. I felt nervous, opening the door of my 2016 Bentley and starting the engine. The passenger door opened and in sat the delicious smell of Mathew whatever-his-last-name-is. I had so wished to keep our Gallardo- but to no avail.

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