“Thus you admitted it yourself, mortals knows only lust-“

“No, not all of them.” I said. “They are lucky that they are acquainted with both feelings, they may often be fueled with lust, but when love sparks that fuel, it becomes such a great power, that its power reaches the heavens. And that, fallen, is the reason why evil and darkness never wins against the good and the light.”

“This isn’t about the great war, Aengelle, this is about you dying! A divine dying is never heard of!” Then he gave another sarcastic laugh. “My apologies, I forgot, you are not like any angel, aren’t you? You are the lucky one who is allowed to walk with the mortals.” He’s gaze changes from anger to mockery to pity. “You may be able to love this mortal, but you cannot give him what he needs, he may not know lust now but when time comes, what will you do? Love and lust goes hand in hand, each strengthens the bond in their own way. Seeing you have already lost your mortality, how will you serve him?”

I frowned, I knew that even before. It is after all the reason that the Watchers were sent away, because they have crossed that boundaries their relationships with humans and had created half bloods.

“You aren’t just taking away satisfaction from this boy; you are taking away his future. You are taking away his chances of making a family.” I frowned and looked away. “Stop this foolishness Aengelle, stop this selfishness of yours and let the boy go.”

If only he knew how I fought hard to stay away or at least to keep my emotion to myself. But seeing Lee sick and hurt because of me, knowing that I caused some sort of pain when I turned him down, the sadness and disappointment in his eyes was too much for me to handle. What more leaving him without telling him what I really feel?

“I can’t…” I said in a whisper.


“I can’t do what you ask me.” I said. “It isn’t just me who has a say on this. I can’t hurt him again-“

“He doesn’t know what he’s getting in to-“

“And I will tell him,” I said, “soon. I want him to tell me to leave. I need to hear from him that he does not want me in his life. I have hurt him when I lied that I do not want to be with him.”

“But you had lied of your identity and that will just hurt him again-“

“Then at least he knows that I love him as well.” I said. “That I hid nothing from him, that it would be his decision to let me go.”

“He won’t let you go, he will kill you.” He snapped. “He will hate and loath you so much that he wouldn’t be able to look at you without remembering who you really are, a murderer!”

His words pierced through my heart, I have hurt him more than I realize. I took a person he loved, his family.

I looked down and felt tears filling my eyes. “It is his right to kill me.”

“And you will let him?” he asked, bewildered.

“It is his right.”

“You are a divine being!” he snapped, “Whatever right a mortal has is beyond you-“

I shook my head, “That is not how I see it.”

“Then you are stupid!”

“Why do you care so much?” I snapped. “Why do you care of I die or not? If I am killed by this boy?”

“Because you are degrading all divine beings!” he shouted. “You are a grim! An angel of Death! It is your responsibility to kill and cleanse man, they should fear you, not like this that you follow and leave like them.”

“I’m guessing that this pride of yours, these principles you have, these is what caused your fall?” I sneered, “You are not any different from me, stranger! I appreciate your concern, but your words are just that, words. I have enough people running my life, thank you very much.”

“Stubborn, foolish and stupid!” he shouted. “You do not deserve an immortal life.”

“And you do?”

“You are weak, you are too attached to your mortal emotion-“

“And so are you.” I reminded him, “Let us remember that I am still under the wing of the Creator, still a divine being, as you are a fallen. Tell me who is weaker? Who is acting like a mortal by seeking more power?”

He glared at me and shook his head in disgust. “I have tried to warn you, Aengelle. Prepare to die, for you will. Love cannot save you neither can those who you are trying to protect. Your foolishness will be your downfall.”

“Then at least I will die happy, immortality will not torment me. Peace will take over and I know I will not regret it.”

With that said he left and I wiped away my tears. I sat back and closed my eyes.

Lee, I thought, don’t give up on me…


A/N: Hey, so i'm ending this in about two chapters... now the next chapter would be extremely long seeing it would be things that happens within three days... so i hope you can bare with it, i was planning to cut it into two or three chapters, but i thought, "hell with it! it's the same difference!" lol! plus i think some of you will like it, i seemed to be in love with it, seeing i have reread it twice, so if i miss any editing stuff advance apologies... :) thanks for reading!



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