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I sat beside Huntress on her bed, waiting for her to wake up, holding her hand. She was pale as a ghost, but her lips were still as red as blood. It was like seeing Snow White after wearing the corset. The only difference is that she was bruised and burned. A burn mark on her neck and arms, then the two stab wounds, one that went through and through.

It was beginning to be a ritual for Hunter and I to see her like this. For some weird reasons we do this every few weeks. At the beginning I would cry and worry, but I’ve seen her pull out of the most impossible states, I knew she could pull out of this one.

But there was something different this time. Hunter didn’t allow any visitor, not even Tathiannah or Winter. And they didn’t seem to mind either. They were waiting for news at Romeo Lee’s room, someone I haven’t seen since he got sick. Huntress didn’t want me nor Ash near, she didn’t want us to catch the epidemic.

It took me a lot to make Ash understand why he can’t visit him. But even I can’t keep myself away. I was worried of him, a lot. And seeing how big sister seemed to be in panic at night. There was something more to the epidemic than what meets the eye. I’ve wanted to ask Hunter or Huntress but I knew they wouldn’t tell me, they wouldn’t want me to worry.

I sighed and lied down next to her, resting my head beside hers, and just stared at her.

“Iahejlle?” I heard Hunter call.

“Hm?” I answered without looking away.

“Are you ok?” he asked, then he was standing at the other side of the bed where I can see him. I sighed again and sat up.

“Why isn’t Tathiannah and Winter allowed to visit?” I asked.

Hunter shrugged and sat across me. “Not that they aren’t allowed, it’s just that we’ve been with Romeo Lee all week long and now there’s Huntress…” he shook his head, “I don’t want them to see another one of us being so weak.”

“But they will worry.” I said.

“I know, but they are still looking after Romeo Lee.” He reminded me, “And right now, that’s what Huntress would want, for everyone to keep an eye on him.”

“Because of the SDU?” I asked.

“Yes.” Then he gave me a look, “I know Huntress had removed the guards on you, but I hope that you wouldn’t mind having Aengelicus or Waft following you around.”

I smiled, “I don’t, I like them both. They’re fun to be with.”

“Really?” he asked.

I nodded and looked back at Huntress, “Aengelicus lets us do whatever we want as long as we aren’t in danger, and Waft is just silly.”

He stifles a laugh. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with that.”

I grinned then someone knocked hard on the door, Hunter stood up the same moment the door opened.

“He’s awake! He’s awake!” Ash came running in, then he sees Huntress and frowned. “What’s wrong with big sister? Is she sick too?”

Hunter and I exchanged looks. I nodded and walked up to him, “It looks like it, but don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”

Then another man stepped inside the room, “Hunter.”

“Angjel” Hunter greets back. “Young Cayce says his brother has woken up.”

Angjel smiled, “He had, and funny thing that you, young man,” he glanced at Ash with an amused look, “know that he has woken up yet you haven’t been there.”

Wary Wings (Book 2 of The Angel Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now