I'm Not Thankful

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Jake walks in just as I'm about to put the turkey in the oven. "Oh no..." He groans. "Rachel is cooking! We are all gonna die!"

"I happen to be a very good cook, mind you."

"If you insist... Did you poison the turkey?"


"How about the cranberry sauce?"


"How about the-"

"I did not poison anything!"

"Alright..." He walks away and joins my father on the couch. See what I have to live with?

My mother and I finish whatever else we have to do and pretty soon the only thing to do it to wait for the turkey to finish cooking.

"So Rachel..." My mom says, leaning onto the counter.

"So Mom..." I mock, sitting on top of the counter top.

"How's school?"

"It's OK, I guess." I answer truthfully. Partying is not as fun when your not single. Oh wait... I am single. Well in my mind I'm still Niall's princess. I guess I don't like partying that much without having Niall or Mike or anybody to remind me I'm not single. This is a confusing concept but I'm still undecided on where I stand on the relationship board. So for now: I'm not single.

Riley seems to enjoy herself. She is dating Harry and strays as far as possible from the boys. She doesn't drink either. Riley is from America like me, but she moved here when she was twelve. She made a vow to herself that she would never drink. Or at lest not until she is 21. Her current age is 19, which she turned in October when I was still dealing memory loss. I still am, but I memory a majority of what happened. I feel really guilty about not even taking notice about her birthday but I forgot. And by forgetting I mean I lost all my memory.

"Sweetie, we have to talk about your future." My mom snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Like a career or something? Cause I just got a job."

"No. I'm talking about your love life."

"I just got out of a relation-"

"Niall, sweetie. I'm talking about Niall."

"What about him?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"He made on mistake-"

"A mistake that broke my heart! Yes, people make mistakes, but this one hurt me so much."

"You and Niall still had a thing going on when you were with Mikey. It's the same thing, but worse because you had control."

I put my head in my hands and choke back my tears. She's taking sides like Riley was. But they were taking Niall's side. I only remember a few tidbits of our little "thing" we had going on when I was with Mike. Yeah, he kissed me. And yeah, I kissed back, but I was weak and vulnerable.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but you and Niall got on real well and I don't see the same thing when your with Mikey. He makes you happy."

"Not anymore."

"He still does, your just denying it. Can you set the table? The turkey will be done soon."

I nod and jump off of the counter. I put the place mats down and put the plates on top of them. I quickly put down the needed silverware for the meal on top of the napkins. "Done." I call.

"OK, thank you hunny. You can relax for a while. Dinner's almost done." My mom says, beaming at me. I just nod and head off to join everyone on the couch.

Not too long after I sit, my phone vibrates. It says: New Text Message. I quickly tap on it.

Niall: Happy Turkey Day!

Me: Your Irish, why would you be celebrating?

Niall: I'm not. I just figured you were since your from America...

Me: Stereotypical much?

Niall: But isn't a national holiday?

Me: Doesn't mean I have to celebrate it. Americans are not forced to celebrate Thanksgiving you know.

Niall: I never said they were!

Me: Bye.

I drop my phone onto my lap and lay my head back. I'm so mean. Or at least to him I am. And he still wants to be with me. Uggghh.

"Dinner's ready!" My mom calls from the kitchen shortly after.

We all jump up, excited to eat a good meal. Especially me, who has eaten Chef Boyardee for the longest time.

My family and I sit around the dinner table and fill up our plates with a variety of food. Turkey, cranberry sauce, corn. You know, the works.

"Before we begin, let's say grace and tell each other why we are thankful." My mother says, eyeing my brother who looks like he is about to eat everything, table and all.

We say a short prayer. "Well I know I'm grateful for having such good things happen to us and that Rachel is not hurt badly in any way." My mom says, smiling at me. The whole "say what your grateful for" thing was a tradition kind of started by me. And right now, I regret it. I have no idea what I'm truly grateful for since mom took mine. "What about you Rachel?"

My family's attention averts to me and I squirm under their pressure. I rack my brain for something good to say. But what is there to be thankful for? I'm the antonym of thankful right now. "Um, I'm thankful I'm OK and that I got into a good college." I say lamely.

They all nod, knowing that lately I've been kind of depressed. Usually my mom would push for something more, but she stays quiet and politely listens to my brother.

I stare at my food and think what I'm going through right now: a lot. At least next week I have something to look forward to. And that something is volleyball. It's my saviour sport. This Thanksgiving, I'm officially thankful for volleyball. That's it. If volleyball didn't exist, I wouldn't be grateful.


Sorry for taking so long to update but my friend Gracie told me that I should update so I did. Thank her by reading her story: Live While We're Young by iDerfulme. also read Living With One Direction. YEAH I LIKE STORIES THAT INVOLVE THE WORD LIVE. So I'm kind of at a writers block with this story. Sorry for the suckish chapter.

Gotta Be Him (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora