Crystal clear blue eyes, with a raven black fringe covering over one. The hand's owner had pale skin, with perfect rosy pink lips and slightly reddened cheeks. Freckles dotting their face. The blue eyes shined in the light, filled with life.

"It's amazing isn't it?" The person asked, breaking me away from my daze. It was him... It was Phil. My soul mate... my match.. the person who from the beginning who was meant to be mine... is my secret school crush. 

Punch me in the face he is cute.

Okay maybe don't punch me in the face.. that would hurt... but you get what I mean. "Y-yeah... I- Well. Uhh..." Great job Dan. I applaud you. Come on man. "Hi." Really? That is the best you can do?

"Hey." Phil smiled at me. He is adorably cute. Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought. Or not... What if I'm ugly... I can tell I have brown hair as my fringe is sweeping over across my left eye. What colour are my eyes? Am I pale too? Or way too tan? I have never been able to see myself in colour,I was born into the world without my colour vision. I have no clue if I look good or bad 

I wonder if he thinks the same about himself? "I like your eyes..." Great, now I'm turning freaking cheesy. "You too... I like how they are brown with flecks of gold." His smile turned into a worried look. "Well, I mean.. I uhh-" I cut him off so he didn't think he sounded silly. "Yours are Blue, with green in them... and small dots of yellow." 

His eyes were interesting. I was already lost in them. Is this even reality? Or do I have just really good imagination. "Thank you." He smiled, his cheeks a little redder than before. His grip on my arm is still there, but not as tight. He had a loose grip on my arm.

I decided to point things about about what I like about him since we were already starting it. "I like your hair, yes it is practically the same... but you're is naturally flat." I raised my hand to run it through his hair. "The few freckles that are dotted on your face... Your pale skin fits with your hair and eyes. Making your yes stand out more." A smile was glued to my face. I couldn't wipe it off again. 

We forgot we were even still in school. Thank god no one was in the hallways or this would have seemed weird.

"Well, I like your tan skin." He ran his hand down my arm to my wrist, then took hold of my hand. "The slight curls in your hair." He picked at a stray curl I must have left out and we both chuckled quietly. 

"Your dimples when you smile are the cute." He continued to smile at me. "I like how we dress the complete opposite. You wear all black, and then I wear colour... most of the time. I like the black earrings you wear. The leather jacket you sometimes throw on. How you can always pull off wearing skinny jeans with almost everything. The way sometimes you wear jumpers or shirts that go way past you hands. I may not have spoken to you, but I still notice that you wear black most of the time." I didn't interrupt him once. I love his voice.

"The only reason I know what colour my clothes are, is because I put things in certain draws with labels on them. My mum gives me a hand on telling me what colour things are. I knew I couldn't see the colours then, but when people who can see colours look at me, they will at least see me wearing a some what matching outfit. " We both giggled. He is a lot smarter than I thought. Definitely smarter than me. 

I love everything about him. "I'm glad you are my match Phil. I was actually... uhh... well." I looked down, I was embarrassed to tell him. To say that I was dreaming it would be him all this time. "If you are wanting to say what I think you want to say... I was hoping for it to be you too. I, guess I... I liked you since I first laid eyes on you." My smile grew wider. 

"Phil, I never thought that you, the popular kid... would be ending up with a nerd like me." I sighed. "You could have ended up with better." I looked down, letting the realisation hit me. "Dan." He lifted my head so I would look him in the eyes. "I can't get anything better than perfection. You are perfect to me Dan. I wouldn't ask for anyone else. I have heard you talk to your friends before, and you never failed to make me smile with the silly jokes you would tell. Or the funny stories." 

"You make me smile from laughing. You make me feel butterflies in my stomach just from looking at me." I admitted to him. "I love you Phil Lester." 

"I love you too Dan Howell." I leant in towards him slowly, and he did the same. Our lips connected, and it was like electricity coursing through my veins. Our lips moved in sync. I smiled into the kiss, and he did the same just as we pulled away. We looked into each others eyes again and i pulled him into a hug, nuzzling my face into his neck. 

Phil Lester, the cute popular boy, is my soul mate. Maybe the 'curse' wasn't a curse after all. Maybe it was a blessing. I would have never found out that Phil was my soul mate and things could have happened differently. I am glad I have Phil now. 

* * *

Back in 2009, when i was still in high school I met my soul mate. We have had a long journey of Fall outs, Fun times and Memories being made. 18 years later an it is 2022. In the space of 18 years being together, we have done many things together. We Became YouTubers, we went to Japan, we created a Phandom together and fan bases for our channels, we wrote a book, went on tour, went to America for the book signings, We had a BBC1 radio show, we got an apartment together, we met so many of our fans over the years at vidcon, we continued to make videos, we did many more things and about a week ago.... I bought something.

Something that will either be the cause of our falling apart, or the cause of our happily ever after. 

Phil's POV

I was in my room, on tumblr when I started to feel hungry. I placed my laptop down on my bedside table, and slipped off the bed. Shuffling to my bedroom door I opened it to see red petals on the floor. I smiled and followed them, and started to hear a certain song playing.

Thinking out loud. I walked into the living room, and Dan was stood in the middle of the room. In a suit, holding his hands behind his back. He looked nervous. "Are you okay Dan? What's all of this about?" I asked, pointing to the petals and talking about the song playing. 

"Phil, I loved you since  laid eyes on you. I would always watch you smile and laugh when talking to your friends. I would love they way you laughed, so much I smiled or joined in quietly. The day you left class and came after me without me knowing... and touched my arm was probably the best day of my life. Because I began to see colour. That is when I knew you were mine. I didn't have to wish for you any more, you were already mine. At first I thought I had no chance. You told everyone that you could see colour. That you found you match. My heart sank but I still believed that some how it wasn't true. You were mine, and since then look what we did together. We have done so much. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. Match. Soul mate. Whatever you want to call it..." He stopped for a second, tearing up a little.  "Philip Michael Lester... I don't know where life is going to take us, but as long as I am with you I don't care. I need you in my life... and all I want to ask you now is..."

I was tearing up by now too, and his next actions just made my heart beat faster, and the tears started to fall. 

 He got down on one knee, and brought his hands from behind his back to show a little black box. He opened it and inside was a ring.  "Will you marry me?" I had no words. They had been taken from me. I had no idea what to do. The person I fell in love with, Live with and is my boyfriend just proposed to me. What does he think I will say? No?  

"Dan.." I covered my mouth and the tears poured. I nodded, and walked over as he stood up. He took my hand and placed the ring on my finger, before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight. I hugged him back and held him close. 

"I love you so much Dan." I could barely talk I was so happy. I still couldn't believe it. "I love you too Phil." He whispered into my ear. Placing a kiss on my cheek, before I nuzzled my face into his neck like he did to me 18 years ago.  How we went 18 years without being married by now is beyond me. I am just so happy we are getting married. 

"Phil?" He asked quietly. "Yes Dan?" I asked him. 

"Pack your things... We're going to Japan again." 

We are getting married in Japan?! How could this man get any more adorable?!

"I love you Dan. So, so much." I moved back to look at him, before leaning in to kiss him softly. Nothing but love in it. 

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