TWENTY-THREE: Sweet Pea's Dream

Start from the beginning

I don't want him to leave, but I've taken up enough of his time.

"Yeah." It's not convincing, but I can't say what I'm really feeling.

"Is it okay if I call you later?" He asks.

I nod and Grant nods back. "Okay, I'll see you later then."

Grant leans in and gives me a quick hug, then he leaves. This time he doesn't look back.

Ten minutes later I meet Miranda at the front of the school. She rushes towards me, Serena and Maya hot on her heels. She flings her arms open and pulls me into a tight bear hug. Maya joins in on the side, her head nuzzling against the side of my rib cage.

"Are you okay LaLa?" Maya asks.

"I'm fine." Miranda pulls back, sliding her hands down my arms. She searches my face before pulling me into a hug again.

Over her shoulder I could see Serena looking at me skeptically, but she doesn't comment.

"It's a good thing you have an appointment with Dr. Ashe tomorrow. You'll be able to tell her what happened. But do you need anything right now?" Miranda asks. She's speaking so fast that my response is delayed so I can play catch up.

"No, I'm just...tired." It's been a long day...

"Of course, well you girls can go on and get in the car while I speak to Mr. Murray." Mr. Murray? Oh yes, the nurse.

I nod and Maya takes my hand. "I want some ice cream. You want some ice cream LaLa?"

"No, not right now. I just want to take a nap."

"A nap! LaLa you're too old for naps!"

"Am not." I stick out my tongue and Maya pouts.

"Lazy butt." She mutters.

Serena crosses her arms and continues towards the car. "Where's Grant? Does he know what happened?"

"Yeah, he was there for most of it. He went to the Palace, he was really late for his shift too."

Serena nods and reaches for the door. I was curious as to what she was thinking but I don't ask. Lately Serena and I haven't been the best of friends or closest of sisters. She was angry with me, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about it. So I just let her be and most of the time she left me alone too.

We only wait for a few minutes before Miranda is climbing into the driver's seat. "Okay guys, we're going to have to pick something up on the way to Maya's practice. I don't want her to be late. Maya honey, is your bag in the car?"

Maya nods and points to a little pink drawstring bag in the backseat. "It's right there!"

"Okay perfect, what do you guys want to eat?" she asks.

Maya and Serena go back and forth between getting Wendy's and Jack in the Box, before Miranda steps in and said they were going to just go to Jack in the Box since there was one close to the house. I second her motion, since that meant that she could drop me off at the house before taking Maya to her ballet practice.

I stay quiet for most of the ride thinking about the events of the day. I had two violent outburst, one directed towards Sarah and the other towards Grant. Then I had an anxiety attack in front of my locker, which was super embarrassing. To make matters worse, I'm pretty sure everyone would be talking about it for a day or two.

I sigh as my thoughts go to the moments Grant held my hand. I can't quite explain it, but my heart starts to feel funny. Like a feather was tickling it or something.

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