Chapter 18

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    I updated early! Yay! And I have been getting help for my lying problem. Even though this is short, I think this is longer than one or two of my last chapters!

School is brutal, but I got out early (I do online school), so I decided to use the free time to write for you guys!

Thanks for all who read this, I would really like it if you voted and commented more!             

Oh, and for those of you who haven't see the newish movie Red Riding Hood, you should definately go see it. It was amazing, and is my second favorite non-harry potter movie of all time, second only to Sherlock Holmes.

Babbling and Rambling (great, more problems to discuss with a therepist) aside, enjoy! Next update will be whenever I can fit it in!

   I awoke the next morning, and didn’t realize what day it was until I knocked over the pile of presents sitting at the foot of my bed. I smiled when I was I had more presents than usual. I smiled when I saw presents from Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred, George, Mrs. Weasley, Percy, and Auntie.

                I opened the present from Mrs. Weasley first, knowing exactly what was inside. Inside was a gold sweater with a bright red letter ‘E’ on it. As I was about to put over my head, a note fell out. I looked at it to see Mrs. Weasley’s loopy handwriting.

                Hello Ellie dear, I hope you’ve had a wonderful Christmas. Fred owled me telling me he asked you out, and I’m so very happy you said yes! I wish the best for you two. You are welcome to come stay with us for the summer if Minerva would be willing to give you up, but if not you could stay for a little while at least.

            Again, Merry Christmas, and I hope to see you soon!


            P.S. Arthur, Bill and Charlie send their love dear.

            I smiled. Mrs. Weasley was so nice, and when the Twins had invited me over 2 years ago, during the summer when Auntie had to go on an important mission with the other teachers, Mrs. Weasley had treated me like family. I felt tears roll down my cheeks at her kind words. I wiped them away and grabbed my present from Harry. He had gotten me a charm bracelet with a broom charm, with a note attached.

                Hey sis, I never see you wearing any jewelry, and I thought you’d like something simple, so this seemed perfect. Merry Christmas sis!

            I smiled and slipped the bracelet on, only to find out that Ron and Hermione had sent me more charms for it, a Quaffle from Ron, and a Snitch from Hermione(‘to remind you of Harry!’ her note had said). From George and Percy she had gotten some pranking supplies, and from Auntie I had gotten a broom repair kit.                            

                Then I picked up my present from Fred. I opened the small package to find a locket. The locket was surrounded by a gold colored metal, with red on the center, and a gold ornate pattern. When I looked inside I saw nothing but a small folded up piece of paper. When I unfolded the paper it read. “I’ve charmed the locket to show a picture from your memory. So long as the memory is happy, the picture shows up. Lots of love, Fred.”

            To test it I closed my eyes and thought of the night Fred asked me out, me in his arms in the Room of Requirement. When I opened them and then opened the locket, I saw Fred spinning around me around in circles, me almost asleep in his arms.

                And then I thought of something. I thought of the day Harry was born, with me holding Harry while sitting on Dad’s lap with mom laying in the bed beside us. And when I opened my eyes, I saw just that. I felt tears trickle down my face. It was one of the best memories of all of us together. I kept this memory on one side of the locket, and kept the one of me in Fred’s arms in the other.

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