Chapter 9

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               (Auther's Note Please Read!) Okay, I lied. I completely forgot about Eli and McGonagall going to see Eli's vault, so Quidditch will definitely be next chapter, which I will be uploading by Saturday at the very latest since this is so short! I also hit 1000 reads and 50 votes, so thank you soooooo much for all who read, voted and commented! And I have decided to extend the voting session on who should date Eli, so comment for who you want her to date, and whoever has the most comments by Saturday wins! I am leaning towards Fred or Oliver, but I will take all suggestions! Oh, and I dedicated this to Crazypinkgirls because she voted for every chapter (and if you did as well just comment and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you!)


                 I awoke to someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up to see Auntie McGonagall.

                “How are you feeling, dear?” she asked me, looking concerned.

                “Fine, my leg is a little sore but other than that I’m doing well.”

                She nodded. “I heard you can play in the match tomorrow. I guess we better head to Diagon Alley to get you your broom.”

                 I broke out in a smile. I completely forgot about the trip to get my new broom. “Are we still going to see my mother’s vault?” I asked, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice. And failing miserably.

                “Why, of course. And we’d better leave now, so that you can come back early and get some rest for the big match tomorrow.

                If not for this cursed leg I would be jumping around like a four year old.

                Auntie pulled out a black silk pouch and helped me to my feet. After magically fixing my hair and makeup, we were ready to go.

                Auntie threw in Floo powder into the fire place. “Diagon Alley!” she yelled, and she and I both stepped into the fire.

                When I opened my eyes, I saw the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. Looming in the distance was Gringrotts. I couldn’t quell my excitement.

                We quickly made our way to Gringrotts, my excitement building with each step.  When we walked inside, I saw the goblins working behind all of their counters. We walked up to the one with the sign marked ‘Deposits and Withdrawals’.

                Auntie stood there waiting for the goblin to look up from his paperwork. “I would like to enter the vault left to Elianna Lillian Potter by James and Lily Potter.” She handed the goblin a key she pulled out of her cloak pocket.

                The goblin inspected the key, and then nodded. “My name is Griphook, come this way please.”  He hurriedly led us to a cart, which we rode through the underground tunnels of Gringrotts. We finally stopped in front of a rather large vault.

                Griphook motioned for me to come to the front of the vault. “Stick your hand here as I put the key in.” I did as I was told, and slowly the vault door opened.

                I looked inside and was astonished. In my vault were mounds of Galleons, Knuts, and Sickles. But what astonished me the most was the items in the back of the vault.

                On a table was some of mum’s jewelry. There were a lot of pendants, some of which had emeralds, rubies, and diamonds. There were a few assorted bracelets, and there was a beautiful diamond necklace in a lacey type of pattern. I almost cried when I saw my mom’s promise, engagement, and wedding bands.

                Auntie put her arm around my shoulder as tears started running down my face. She led me over to another part of the vault I hadn’t noticed.

                There were pieces of mum’s clothing, a few of her dresses, and her wedding dress. I touched the silky material of the dress and smiled.

                When it was time to leave, and pulled out my bag and cast a charm on it, causing the inside of the bag to become endless. I put some of mum’s pendants and bracelets, a green side-sleeved dress, and a handful of coins.

                We headed back up to the main floor of Gringrotts, and thanked Griphook for his help. We left and headed to the broom store, getting me a Nimbus 2000. It looked absolutely amazing. We stopped at The Leaky Cauldron for dinner, and then Flooed back to Hogwarts. I said goodbye to Auntie, and then went up to the girls’ dorm, laid on my bed, and fell asleep.   


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