Chapter 8

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 So sorry this took so long! I didn't expect to get that many votes that soon! Thanks to all the awesome comments and votes, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!              


 We stood cowering behind the stall. The troll hadn’t seemed to see us.  I pulled out my wand, and motioned for Hermione to do the same. Then I heard a clicking noise. I felt the color drain out of my face.

                Someone had locked us in.

Hermione’s POV:

                I was so terrified. This mountain troll was in here with us, and we had no way out. I was panicking. I stumbled backwards as it came towards us. Of course, being the klutz I am, I stumbled back into the stall, making a loud noise. The troll turned to us and charged.

                Eli was being so brave. She raised her wand and sent to hexes that I didn’t catch at the troll, but it didn’t even slow it down. It barreled towards her, and before her or I could do anything, the troll had slammed his club into her legs. I heard two loud cracks, and watched her drop. She seemed to be unconscious, but I saw her pull herself with her arms behind the stone handwashing fountains.

                What happened next truly shocked me to the core. Eli had dropped her wand next to me, but when I looked at her, she raised her hand, and, without even muttering to herself, her wand shot to her hand.

                I had heard of nonverbal magic, but not wandless magic! And nonverbal magic was only used by the greatest of witches and wizards! Even most seventh years can’t do that!

                She sent out a flurry of spells the troll’s way. The troll wasn’t fazed and started to head my way. I froze in fear.

                Eli then sent a spell my way, creating a force field. The troll bounced against it, but couldn’t penetrate it. It finally got bored and turned its attention towards Eli again.

Eli’s POV:

                As the troll headed towards me again, I sent a mental message to Auntie McGonagall, and another to Snape, as they were the only two professors whose minds were open. I had always been good at Occlumens and Legilimens. Snape had offered to help teach me to get better, but I had said that I would start the training sometime during my 4th or 5th year.

                Snape’s voice came through my mind. ‘Where are you? What’s wrong?’

                ‘Hermione and I are trapped with the troll in the girl’s bathroom. Both of my legs are broken, and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold him off!’

                ‘McGonagall and I are on our way.’ Came his short reply.

                Finally, someone stopped it. I saw someone use the levitating spell to lift the club into the air and smack the troll in head. The troll slumped to the ground.

                After my adrenaline rush, I faintly heard Harry and Ron coming towards us, wands ablaze. They were shortly followed by Auntie McGonagall, Snape, and Quirell.

                At the sight of Quirell, I blacked out.

Harry’s POV

                I watched as my sister’s eyes rolled back in her head, her head slumping to the floor. Professor McGonagall instantly ran to my sister’s side, checking her pulse.

The Forgotten SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora