Chapter 4

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Sorry it took so long to upload, but I was having some CPU issues, but here it is! Vote, Comment, and Fan! Enjoy!

We all stepped off the scarlet train to hear Hagrid’s booming voice. “Firs’ Years! This way!” Harry and Ron headed over there with a bushy-haired brunette they had met earlier. Lee ran off to join some of his other friends, leaving me, Fred, and George to find a carriage to the school.

 We finally found an empty one, and off to school we rode.  The creatures pulling the carriages were only visible to people who had experienced death. They were spooky, yet graceful creatures.  I loved seeing them.

As I headed into the Grand Hall, I felt anxious for the Sorting. I hoped that Harry would be in Gryffindor.

The three of us sat down right in the middle of the Gryffindor table right as the first years were being brought in. Most of the sorting passed by in a blur. I only remember seeing the bushy-haired girl that Harry and Ron were hanging out with earlier got put in Gryffindor, much to her relief.

Auntie McGonagall then said, “Potter, Harry.” The whole place fell quiet. I smirked. Our last name had that effect on people. The main reason they had gone silent for me was because no one really remembered the girl that hid in the closet.

There was an abnormally long pause, when the Sorting Hat finally decreed, “Gryffindor!” After that I let out a breath that I didn’t even know I’d been holding. The twins both hugged me and Harry as all of Gryffindor cheered.

It was then that I realized I was starving. I zoned out during Dumbledore’s speech, until I heard him say, “Let’s eat!”

Everyone ate dinner quickly and soon everyone was headed up to the dorms.  When we got to the portrait and said the password, I said goodnight to Fred and George, and gave Harry a hug before heading up to bed myself.

                I awoke at around 4 a.m. At first I just laid there, relaxing, before getting up quietly and taking a shower. I dried myself magically, and straightened my hair. Then I put on a red and gold striped V-neck sweater and black skinny jeans. My schedule for today was Charms, Potions, Arithmency, Ancient Runes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, and Double Transfiguration.  I was looking forward to all my classes today except for Potions, mainly because Snape taught them. He was such git. Even if I did the potion perfectly, he still took off point from Gryffindor for some strange reason.

                Some of the other early birds started to wake up. I noticed Fred come out of the boy’s dorm with a massive cowlick. I grinned and quickly charmed it down. He looked up and grinned, still looking half asleep.

                  Fred and I headed to breakfast, with no sign of George. We quickly ate and headed off to our first class, which we had together. We laughed when we realized we had the exact same schedules, the only exception was him having Transfigurations and then Muggle Study, instead of my double Transfiguration.

                As we were walking I saw Malfoy and his friends corner a girl. As I looked closer I realized the girl was Hermione. I stopped Fred, but he had already seen what I was worried about.

                “Filthy Mudblood,” sneered Malfoy. “Disgracing the halls of Hogwarts. Pathetic.” He spat at her.

                I could see the terror in Hermione’s eyes as she fought to stay calm.

                I pulled out my wand, knowing this could get ugly quickly. Fred did the same.

                One of Malfoy’s cronies laughed. “What should we do with her, Malfoy?”

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