Chapter 20

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I am terribly ashamed of the length of this chapter. Especially how long I've made you wait. Please don't murder me. School has been tough, and after a two hour math assignment my brain can't write anymore. So I thought I'd give you this little chapter at least... Harry's first year is wrapping up, but I will be connecting HP books 1 and 2 into this book, so there is more to come, I promise! Things will get better as the books go on.

The big idea I had may or may not come into play... It depends on whether or not I am happy with Fred and Eli's relationship... but if they stay together my idea WILL go through, mark my words.

Your next clue (that will probably give it away) is this:

Clue 1: The muraders map

Clue 2: The muruaders themselves(I might have botched the spelling, but for those who don't know the former muruarders were Prongs (James, Harry's dad), Moony (Remus Lupin (need I say more), Padfoot (Sirius Black, Harry's godfather), and Wormtail (evil little git))   PM me or comment for your guess!

BTW, the chapter is dedicated to Keiyani (again, sorry if I botched the spelling) for her amazing books Escaping Darkness and Achieving Light!


                   I couldn’t believe how stupid it was for me not to check the card. And before I could do damage control, Hermione had run out of the room, and after a few minutes came back with a thick book.

                “I checked this out of the library for some light reading-“ Hermione started.

                Ron snorted. “’Light’ she says.”

                Hermione gave him a dirty look before continuing, “And I was stupid not to remember him. Listen to this: ‘Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer’s Stone!”  

                The nightmare continues. Why can’t third years do memory charms? They can be really useful.

                Harry and Ron looked confused.

                Hermione rolled her eyes. “Honestly, don’t you two read? The Sorcerer’s Stone will turn any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which give the drinker immortality.”

                Why me?

                Luckily the others had left the room after Hermione had left to get the book, so they weren’t hearing Hermione’s rant. Sadly, it wasn’t over yet."The dog must be guarding Flamel's Sorcerer's Stone! I bet he asked Dumbledore to keep it safe for him, because they're friends and he knew someone was after it, that's why he wanted the Stone moved out of Gringotts!"

                 "A stone that makes gold and stops you from ever dying!" said Harry. "No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it."

                 "And no wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry," said Ron. "He's not exactly recent if he's six hundred and sixty-five, is he."

                Bloody hell, they’re just going to figure everything out, aren’t they?

                I took this chance to speak. “Guys, promise me you’ll drop this? The Stone is safe. I doubt the dog is the only thing guarding it. Don’t you think Dumbledore would have put up more protections?” At this they nodded. “Please don’t do anything without telling me. Promise?”

                Harry grinned. “I can’t promise will drop it, but I promise we’ll tell you if we go do anything.”

                I sighed. That was as good as I was gonna get. “You better. Now you should go to bed. We’ve got that Quidditch match tomorrow. You are playing, right?”

                He sighed. “Yeah, I am. I can’t let everyone think I’m scared of Snape, can I?”

                I hugged him. “That’s my brother. You’ll be fine. From what I hear, Dumbledore is going to be watching the match, so Snape can’t hurt you.” He looked obviously relieved at this.

                “Night guys!” I said, walking up the steps to my dorm. I heard a chorus of ‘good nights’ and Hermione tromping up the stairs after me. I quickly slid into my pajamas, and welcomed sleep before the big match tomorrow.


Contest ends tomorrow (wednesday the 7th) and I will post who won on the next chapter (which will probably be just a little bit longer than this one). Please read chapter 17 for the rules!

Vote, Comment, and tell me what you think!

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