Chapter 5

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Hey everyone! 131 reads! May not seem like alot, but the fact that people bothered to read it makes me happy! Please Vote and Comment to tell me how to improve this!!!

Chapter 5:

                I headed back up to the Gryffindor common room, meeting up with Fred outside the portrait. I looked at him, confused. It isn’t possible for him to be done organizing the potion supplies that quickly. He looked up at me, giving me his trade mark grin.

                I then smiled back. “It was the same thing he asked you and George to do at the end of last year for blowing up that color bomb under the Slytherin table at the end-of-year feast!”

                We walked into the common room, which was deserted. I looked at my watch, which said it was almost eight o’clock. “Out of there in less than an hour,” Fred said, relaxing into the couch. “Easiest detention ever.”

                Just then Harry and Ron walked in, super excited. Ron looked at me and Fred, and then turned back to Harry. “Are you going to tell them, or am I?”

                “Don’t worry I will!” Harry said, practically bouncing up and down. “We were learning how to fly today, and Neville had gotten hurt and he and Madam Hooch left to Madam Pomfrey’s. When Neville had crashed, he dropped his Remembrall.” I had remembered Neville getting a package at lunch. I was shocked that it was a Remembrall. They were extremely. “Malfoy,” Fred and I groaned as he continued, “had tried to take it at breakfast, so when Neville dropped it, Malfoy grabbed it. When I tried to grab it, Malfoy flew into the air and I followed him. When I caught up to him, he chucked it.”

                Ron butted in. “And then Harry did this amazing 50 foot dive and caught it right out of the air! Professor McGonagall watched him do it, and at first we thought she was going to expel him, but instead she brought him to Wood, and she asked Wood to make him Seeker!”

                I looked at Harry with shock. First years were never on the Quidditch teams. Then I gave him a big smile. “Way to go Harry! Maybe you’ll be on the team with me, Fred and George!”

                “What positions do you guys play?” he asked, still looking excited.

                “Fred and George are Beaters, and I am one of the Chasers.” I told him. “It looks like Quidditch runs in the family. From what I here, Dad was really good.”

                He seemed encouraged by that. “You can’t tell anyone though. They want to make it a surprise for the game against Slytherin on Saturday.”

                We all agreed to keep our mouths shut, then said our goodnights and went to bed.                       

                The next day passed uneventfully until lunch when Malfoy came up to Harry. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but I could see Malfoy get angry and say something to Harry that caused Ron to turn around. He said something, and Malfoy smirked and walked off. Before I could get up and ask Harry what was up, Hermione started telling them off for whatever had happened. When she stormed off, I walked up to Harry.

                “What happened between you and Malfoy?” I asked. Harry couldn’t meet my eyes when he said, “Nothing. He’s just being a git like normal.”

                “Yeah, nothing for you to worry about,” Ron muttered under his breath. Harry shot him a dirty look.

                I got up and headed to my next class. I was still thinking about it so much throughout Potions, which I excel in (much to Snape’s dismay), that I didn’t hear him ask me a question and lost Gryffindor five points. A few Gryffindors in my class gave me a dirty look. I let it the matter drop and got through the rest of class without losing Gryffindor anymore points.

                As I was leaving class, Fred and George came up to me.

                “What’s up Eli? You seemed really out of-“ Fred started.

                “-it during Potions, which is really unlike you. “ George finished.

                I sighed. “Something is up with Ron and Harry. They’re acting really weird.”

                Fred and George looked almost excited. “Well Fred, I think a little snooping is in order, don’t you?”

                Fred smiled mischievously. “I totally agree, George.”

                I smiled. “I suppose I am going to drag myself into this. What’s the plan?”

                They both smiled. “You’ll see,” They said simultaneously.

                The three of us waited in silence in the dark of the common room. When we had questioned Hermione, she only admitted that they were headed somewhere at midnight.

                So it was 11:30 and there was no sign of them. I was just starting to nod off when they started to creep down the stairs. As they left, Fred, George and I covered ourselves in my dad’s invisibility cloak, being careful not to make any noise.

                As we followed Ron and Harry, a feeling of unease kept nagging at me. Where were Ron and Harry going at this time of night?

                Finally, they entered the trophy room. I glimpsed into the room and saw Harry and Ron arguing.

                “Where are Malfoy and Crabbe? They shouldn’t be this late!” Harry said, panic creeping into his voice.

                “I dunno! Where could they be?” Ron replied.

                Fred looked at me, thinking the exact same thing.

                Malfoy had set them up, planning on leading Filch here and getting them busted.

                “We need to tell them! Gryffindor can’t afford to lose any more points!” Fred and George nodded in agreement.

                “I have an idea.” George said. “Fred and I know enough passage ways that we can easily avoid Filch. You take Harry and Ron under the cloak and get back to the common room ASAP.” I nodded in agreement.

                Then we heard a chilling voice.

                “Now will see if the young Mr. Malfoy was right about straggler tonight.” Filch said from around the corner.


 Oh, and I am still thinking about who Eli should date..... It can be any Harry Potter character that is second year or above in the first book! I promise this is going to pick up soon! I have Quidditch-related stuff coming up soon!

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