Chapter 10

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Okay, so I waited til the last possible moment to upload.... I've been super busy, and I haven't had time to upload until right now. Fred won the contest without there even being any competition, as Oliver didn't get any votes. There will be a chapter that I can possibly fit in (without screwing up the timeline) that will focus on them....

Enjoy, vote, comment, like, and tell your friends!


I slept through the rest of Friday, not even waking when the rest of the third year girls came up for bed.

                I awoke to my foot itching like mad. AGAIN. I quickly hobbled down to Madam Pomfrey’s, demanding in the nicest way possible to have her get the bloody cast off my foot as fast as possible. The instant it was off I started skipping around, happy to be on two feet again.

                I quickly ran up to the common room and started bouncing around, waiting for the Twins to get up. I was super excited for the Quidditch match, and hardly nervous. I knew we would kick Slytherin’s butt.  

                Finally the twins came down, and they both quickly saw I had my cast off.

                “Rather eager to get that cast of, were we?” Fred said, laughing.

                I laughed.  “You could say that. I never want to break my leg again!”

                They both laughed. “Same,” they said simultaneously.

                Harry came down soon after, looking nervous as hell. I put my arm around his shoulder. “Don’t worry baby bro, you’re going to do amazing!”

                “And you’re telling me that the three of you aren’t the least bit nervous?” Harry said, staring at us skeptically.

                “Harry, the twin’s aren’t nervous because they get the fun of getting to physically hurt Slytherins without getting detention. We get to annoy them by gloating when we win.” Harry laughed.

                We headed down to breakfast, but none of us ate very much. Harry almost didn’t eat at all, but after I threatened to set Wood on him he choked down a couple of pieces of sausage.

                As we headed to the pitch, I got more exited with each step. I loved Quidditch. It was the best sport ever. And even though I’m elated to be a Chaser, I sometimes wish I was a Beater, just so I could knock some Slytherins around without getting into trouble.

                When we got to the pitch, we went into the locker rooms to get changed into our scarlet uniforms. Inside already was Alicia, and she and I started chatting, with her just as excited as I was for the match.

                After we finished changing, Alicia and I grabbed our brooms and headed over to where Oliver was starting to give his famous speech.

                 "Okay, men," he said.

                "And women," Angelina, Alicia and I said simultaneously.

              "And women," Wood agreed. "This is it."

                 "The big one," said Fred

                "The one we've all been waiting for," said George.

                "We know Oliver's speech by heart," Fred told Harry, "we were on the team last year."

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