I would give everything to find my son.

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Voight's p.o.v.
After what Antonio told me I got up and walked out of my office and say, "Listen everybody! My son was just taken from Phoebe. We have to do everything to get him back safe got it!" Everyone nodded and started to get their stuff on, even Phoebe. I walked up to her and said,"Not you, Phoebe." She looked up at me and said,"Hank, that is my son out there. I can't just sit here and do nothing." I looked at everyone and said,"That's it he is your son and we don't want you to be out there just in case they call you." Phoebe sat down and said,"Fine, but you have to stay to then, because he is your son too." I nodded my head and walked to the others and told them that I was staying back with Phoebe because she needed someone, and that Antonio was in charge of operations. After that everyone headed out.
Phoebe's p.o.v.
If I had to stay back I was going to make Hank. I was sitting at my desk when Hank came back up. He pulled a chair up to my desk and said,"I think that was the first time you called me by my first name since you know what." He laughed and I smiled. I thought to myself this is nice, talking to Voight and not fighting with him. I looked at Voight smiled and said,"I know this isn't going to sound right, but I'm hungry. Can we go get food?" Hank laughed at me and said,"Come on. I'll take you to McDonalds." I shook my head no and said,"I want something home made." We walked down the stairs and Hank stops and says,"Well, you are lucky, I make killer Mac and cheese." I laugh, but I am interrupted by Platt saying,"It's true, Phoebe. Hanks Mac and cheese is great." I laugh again and say,"Okay, Hank take me to my house and you can show me how it's done."
*skip ride*
We got to my house and I hopped out and walked up to the door and waited for Hank to get by me to unlock my house door. I locked the door and we walked to the kitchen and I said,"So, Hank what do we need to fix this famous Mac and cheese?" He sat at the island and said,"Well, Mac and cheese and I can't tell you the rest just tell me where your spices are." I looked at Hank and said,"What, I thought you were going to teach me how to make it? The spices are in that cupboard." Hank laughed and shook his head said,"Nope, I'll teach you how to cook it." I just looked at him and said,"Fine. I'm going to go take a shower."
Voight's p.o.v.

Phoebe went upstairs to take a shower and I am downstairs cooking. Five minutes went by and there was a knock on the door, so I answered it. I opened the door and standing there was Antonio. He looked shocked to see me, so I said, "Hey, Antonio what are you doing here?" Antonio walked in and said, "Just checking in on Phoebe and I can ask you the same thing, Voight." I shook my head and was about to speak, but Phoebe came downstairs and said, "Hank, is the mac and cheese... Oh hey Antonio." Antonio looked between Phoebe and I and said, "Is there something going on between you guys?" I looked at him and said, "What no! Phoebe didn't want to be alone so I stayed with her then she got hungry so I told her I would make her my famous mac and cheese. Is there something going on between you two?" Antonio looked at Phoebe and said, "You know what I'm outta here. I do not know what you guys have going on, but I'm done with this." Antonio walked away after that and Phoebe went after him.

Antonio's p.o.v.
"Tonio, stop! What is going on?" I heard Phoebe yell, so I stopped and turned around. "What, Phoebe?" She stopped and looked at me with a sad face and said,"Tonio, what has gotten into?" Did she really just ask that I Thought to myself. "Phoebe, do you and Voight have something going on behind my back?" I asked. Phoebe looked up at me and said,"What? Where do you get that idea." I looked up at the front door and said,"I got that idea because he is here at your house and you dislike him." Phoebe looked back at the door and said,"You know what Antonio. I don't have anything going on with Voight, but he is my sons dad and he is staying with me until we get Nate back. If you don't like that then you can leave and we are through because my son does need his father." She stood there with her arms crossed, looking at me waiting for an answer. I finally spoke up, "Okay, if I'm dating you I don't want Voight around, so I guess this is it. Have a great life Pheebs." After that I walked to my truck and left.
Phoebe's p.o.v.
What the hell, I thought. "Whatever" I just walked back inside and finished helping Voight.

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