Voights talk with Mouse

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Voight's p.o.v.
I was sitting in my office talking to Halstead. "Hey, do you know anything about Phoebe?" I said as Jay sits down. He looks at me and says,"Um, no I do not sir. Is that all you needed?" I looked at him and said,"Will you tell Mouse to meet me in my office after 12." Jay shook his yes and walked out. I'm going to talk to Mouse to see if he will hack into Phoebe's phone and see if she's doing thing that can make me have full custody of Nathan.
*skip to after 12*
I was sitting in my office thinking when there is a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said and Mouse walked in and said,"You wanted to see me sir?" I shook my head yes and shut the door as Mouse sat down. "I was wondering if you are will to do something for me. I will pay you for it too." I said. Mouse looked at me, smiled, and said,"What can I do for you?" I smiled and said,"Will you hack into Phoebe's phone and tell me all the text and phone calls she gets?" Mouse stopped smiling and said,"Sir, that is illegal." "I know, but I will make sure you do not go to jail. Now get out of my office and start on that." I said. He got up and left. This is going to be interesting. Phoebe probably has a big secret that she doesn't want anyone to know.

Authors note:
Sorry it's a short chapter it was kind of a filler.

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