Secertly dating?

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Antonio's p.o.v.
I wonder why Voight was asking me about Phoebe? Oh well. When I was walking back to my desk I stopped in front of Phoebe's and asked,"Would you like to go on a date tonight?" She stopped doing her work, looked up at me and said,"I don't know. I have to find someone to watch him." I nod and said,"Okay. I will right back." I walked off down the stairs to the front desk. "Hey, Platt where is Eva?" Platt looked up then over the an office. I followed her look and saw Eva doing her homework. I walked over and knocked on the door. "Hey, dad what's up?" Eva said. I sat down and said,"Would you like to have a baby sitting job?" She got happy and said,"Who?" I smiled and said,"Phoebe's son Nathan. I know he is 14, but Pheebs doesn't want him to be alone." Eva shook her head yes and said,"Okay, what is she doing? So I know how long I'll be watching him for." I got up and said,"She's going on date." Then I left the room and went back up stairs.
Mouse's p.o.v.
I was looking through Phoebe's text messages and saw a lot between her and Antonio, so I read them. Once I was done reading them I went up to Voight's office. I knocked on the door and said,"Can I talk to you Voight?" Voight looked at me and said,"About what Mouse?" I looked out to the others and stepped in and said,"About Phoebe." I looked up and said,"Yes, shut the door and sit down." I did as he said and I was sitting there. I started to talk,"So, there has been a lot of messages between Phoebe and Antonio. Let's say they have a secret." Voight got up and sat on the front of his desk and said,"Oh, really." I shook my head yes and Voight said,"What do they say?" I looked up at him and said,"Well, one from Phoebe said, I can't wait for round two! And Antonio's reply was, Yeah can't wait. How about Monday? Phoebe said, yeah that works. Are we telling people we are in a relationship or wait for a little bit?" Hank was get more mad every time I read a text, then he said,"Was there anything after that?" I shook my head and said,"Yeah, it was Antonio saying yes with a smiley face." Voight shook his head and said,"Okay. Thank you Mouse and here is your money for your help. Now get out."
Voight's p.o.v.
I knew something was going on between them. I just have to play it cool until Monday and I will pay a visit to Phoebe before she leaves for her date. I called Phoebe into my office to talk to her. "Yes Voight. What do you need?" Phoebe asked. I smiled at her and told her,"Come in and sit down." I closed the door and walked back to my seat and said,"The judge is on the phone and he wants to tell us about the custody agreement." She nodded her head. I put the phone on speaker and said,"Judge Jackson go head we are both here." "Okay. So, Hank you will get Nathan on the weekends starting Friday's after school and Phoebe you will have him for the week starting Monday after school. Also, Hank gets Nathan over summer break besides the weekends, Phoebe gets him. Any questions?" Judge Jackson said. "Yeah. I do. What about holidays?" Phoebe asked. "Oh right. Phoebe gets Nathan on the holidays. Anything else?" Judge Jackson said. I looked at Phoebe and said,"Nope that is it. Thank you Judge." We hung up and Phoebe was about to walk out when I said,"So, do I get him starting today?" She stopped and said,"If you want yes. I can go get him and bring him back here." "Yea could you do that. I let you get paid for it." I said. She shook her head and said,"Can I bring Erin with me?" I shook my head yes and she was off. I thought to myself I can't wait to surprise her with my information.

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