I Act Like I'm Tough, He Treats Me Like A Teddy Bear ; 2

Start from the beginning

"Name." he asked. "Rose Gheller." I stated flatly. "Why don’t you introduce yourself to the class.

"I’m good." I said, "Please, just get it over with Rose."

I shrugged and turned around. "Hi. My name is Rose." I said. The teacher asked me why I was here. "Because I got expelled from my last school." I said with a bored tone.

"Why were you expelled." He asked. I smiled a little. "I crucified the math teacher." I said with a smile.

He chuckled. "Funny. Take your seat Rose" then he pointed to a seat beside the only other girl in the class.

I slummed over. She had dirty blonde hair that was straight, and she wore her uniform properly.

Mr. Phillips began to teach us about quadratics. The girl introduced herself as Carson. "Rose" I said.

We started having a whispered conversation. She was pretty cool. Invited me to have lunch with her and her friends. I said yes and copied down the homework quickly because the bell had rung.

She waited for me to finish and we headed towards the cafeteria together. I bought a taco and some coffee there and followed her towards a table where some people were waiting.

That Trey guy was there. I scowled at him and sat down next to Carson.

She introduced me to her friends.

I said a quick hi and then ate my taco. Laughing when someone told a joke and ignoring Trey who had sat on my other side and kept trying to get my attention.

He put his hand on my leg and I stiffened. "Hands off." I said and shoved them away.

"You know you like it Rose." He said. I growled at him. and pushed them away again.

"Wanna go out with me." he asked. I smiled. "Nope." I said popping the p. Carson was smiling at me. she mouthed the word man-whore and I laughed.

He tried again, this time moving his hand up a little.

I pushed him off of me again. "Touch me one more time." I said threateningly. he smiled and touched my leg again. I pulled my fist back and punched him in the nose.

He stumbled backwards. Blood was flowing. I smiled. "Warned you." I said and took a sip of my still hot coffee.

"Good job girl." She said. "Ugh, do you know if we can switch rooms here?" I asked. "Why? Whose your roommate." She asked. "Julie." I said and scowled a little. She laughed. " I live on my own. You can come live in my room." I smiled. I was going to switch after lunch, she gave me the spare key, she lives just down the hall from my room.

I only had those two classes today, I had six altogether but the other four take place tomorrow. Its an every other day kind of thing.

The bell rang and she headed off too her next class while I went back to the dorm room and packed my things moving them down the hall.

I decided I should let Julie know, so I wrote a little note explaining.


Moved down the hall.


It was short and sweet. I left in on her side table as I grabbed my last few things from the washroom, and around the room and left.

I unpacked everything and realized I left my straightener and makeup. I also realized I still had the key. So I went over there and grabbed my last few things and left the key beside the note.

I Act Like I'm Tough, He Treats Me Like A Teddy BearWhere stories live. Discover now