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Nathan bends down to my ear before his warm husky voice caress my neck.

"You look stunning," I feel a slight blush taint my cheeks and I duck my head, letting my blonde hair act as a curtain from any prying eyes. And believe me, there is a lot of persons looking our way. "I hope you never forget that."

I smile at that, but I don't know why he is saying that. Majority of the girls in our school's crowded gym looks way more beautiful in their stunning ball gowns, sleeveless and short dresses.

Just then a girl passes in a very short and way too low V-neck dress which is downed with sparkles. I look at Nate to realize he doesn't even notice that. He is too busy staring at me. Yep people, Nate is staring at my almost bare face with something I would call adoration. And if that is the case, I think he is suffering from some serious disease. A smile touches his lips and I find myself smiling back.

He then looks ahead, scanning the place as he puts his hand on the small of my back and lead us deeper into the room. I feel a little nervous, but as I note the beautiful decorations, I feel a lot better. It seems Ramona and I, with the help of the minions and the coach of course, have done a spectacular job.

"You girls have out done yourselves," he whispers and his lips are so close the pulse at my neck. My body shivers thinking about his lips being there and what they can do there. "I think we deserve to celebrate later."

He then, out of absolutely nowhere, nips at my earlobe and a gasp escapes my lips at the contact. He chuckles, obviously satisfied but before I can curse or tell him to never do it again, one of his friends on the football team interrupts us as he slams Nate with a slap on the back. Nate doesn't even seem affected.

He turns to his friend, whose name I am trying to recall but can't, and grins. All the same time, ensuring his hand has not left the small of my back. Talk about being rooted.

"Hey Lloyd," Nate says, his face split into a wide grin as he does this weird hug or handshake that I have seen them used more times I can count. Nate did tell me the name of it, but it is kind of hard to concentrate when my main focus is his hand on my back. Can I be any weirder?

Nate breaks away from his friend that he practically sees at school and at practice everyday. They act as if they haven't seen each other in years. He then turns to hit me with those slightly dark blue eyes due to the dim light, but no matter what, those eyes will always be unique, troublesome and...amazing. Hush, that sounds cliche.

"Amber, you remember Lloyd, don't you?" Nate grins at me as he introduces us knowing full well that I don't know him. Well, I kind of do, but Lloyd is far from the names that was running through my head. I simply nod, not being näive enough to put my hand out for a handshake. He grins at me, his shamelessly raking my body. What a pervert! "And his date Barbara."

I then just realized his date who is one of the minions in the cheerleading squad.

"Hey Barbie," I say casually, mentioning her nickname as well. I am not fully comfortable around her or the other minions, but she is okay. Nate's friend can really choose a trophy date. She is every bit the word beautiful and she comes without the brains. A perfect mixture for boys. I don't know why Nate couldn't have done that and leave me alone in the comfort of my home, or his for it doesn't matter. "Where's Ramona? She isn't answering my calls."

I say looking out at the sea of breathtaking formal teenagers. Barbara smiles at me and I have no idea why. But I just ignore it.

"She isn't here," I roll my eyes at that. Ramona did send me a message that she would be going home with her date, Justin early. I just didn't really think she was actually serious. She barely knows the guy! "The rest of us are though."

"Wonderful," I say with fake enthusiasm which sounds pretty natural due to the wonderful cheerleading.

She grins and just then Lloyd says, loudly may I add, if she wants to change that and go home with him. She giggles and I roll my eyes. It is really an eyesore. Lloyd has found the real treasure.

"The rest of the guys have finally gotten off the dance floor," Nate says, his voice neutral as he nods over to the rest of his friends who are calling him over. "We should probably head over there."

"I see you both have gotten back together," Lloyd comments as we make our way to Nate's friends who seem to be the exact same as Lloyd with their "beauties" on their hands.

"As I have been telling you all for the past two weeks," I tell him before Nate gets the chance to reply. "Nathan and I are not together. We have never been and so I could never cheat on him in the first place. Got it?"

My voice is a little harsh and bossy, but I can't help it. These rumors are getting annoying now. He simply nods.

"You guys officially together again?" One of the footballers howl and Nate gives me a sheepish smile as he apologises with his eyes.

This night is not going to turn out well. The rumor-mill is going to overflow because of tonight.

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A Year Being the CheerleaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu