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"The court has found Charlotte Denmark-Addison guilty as charged. She is given twenty years with no bail for ten years."

The judge's voice keep haunting my thoughts, even after a month of his ruling. My mother's death glare kept appearing in my head right after and I know if it wasn't for the handcuffs on her wrists, she would have choked the living daylights out of me. No doubt about it. But she is behind bars.

That isn't really reassuring, knowing that anything can happen and she is free or on the run. But I am just glad she doesn't know the college where I am going to. She doesn't have any idea and there are so many schools across the country and the world. Another grateful moment for my silence.

There is a honk outside and I look out my window to see Nate's car and Dad is walking away from it. Dad doesn't like the idea of Nate driving me to the airport and being with me on his father's jet travelling across the country to our new school. I hope Nate didn't get anymore dangerous looks and warning lectures. It's quite funny when my father does all that, but as I look down to see Nate gazing up at my window with a devilish smile, I know everything is okay. He gestures for me to hurry up before slipping on his aviator sunglasses and getting into his vehicle that still looks brand new. I shake my head at him with a smile on my face. Sometimes I wonder what I did to have him.

I turn back around to my small backpack, the last bit of things I have that hasn't been shipped to Mrs. Saunders beach house in California. My hand goes up to the necklace on my neck that Nate had got me on graduation day. I grab the beautiful hair brush and the antique, but well-preserved watch, all also given to me by Nate and his family. It still feels surreal in a way to know how welcome I am in his family. This is almost too good to be true and I know I should scared, but I am not. I prefer to enjoy the moment. That also scares me, but I just let it happen. Why fight it when I'll lose anyways?

I swing the bag over my shoulder as I run down the stairs to see my Dad with my album. It has a gun on the front in gold while the entire thing is the colour of gunmetal. A strange, yet unique thing. Exactly like me and that's why my father and I worked on it.

"Did you take your medications?" I ask Dad as I slowly approach him. He looks up at me with a smile.

"Of course, Amber darling," he says handing me my album. "I'll do everything the doctor asks, as long as I am will be in the clear for travelling."

I feel my heart break at his sad smile. I am positive, if it wasn't because he will be spending time at Aunt Jesse's house, I would have never left home. Everything I am prepared for, but not this. He had a heart attack a few weeks back and now he is restricted from doing anything robust or going on planes. It's so hard to leave him like that.

"Oh, Dad," I tell him with a bear hug, trying to hold back tears. Since that crying fest at that therapy session, my emotion are a little harder to rein now. "I'll visit."

Just then, a car honk went off and I roll my eyes. Nate does not understand this moment since his parents are coming with us which is a shock for they were always too busy making money, especially his father. My father moves out of the embrace and kisses my forehead.

"It's time for you to go, Amber darling," he tells and we walk out the door together. When we reach the car, he hugs me one more time as Nate takes my bag. "Take care and don't let them put you done."

"They won't," I fire back and a tear slips down his cheek. I freeze. It's the first time I have seen him cry. But he smiles anyway.

"Keep her safe or you will be having an early death young man," my father gives Nate a pointed look.

"Yes, sir," Nate nods his head and we get into the car. "Bye Mr. Addison."

"Farewell, Amber darling," I  give him a kiss on the cheek through the open car window.

"See you later, Dad." I say back and Nate drives off as I wave good-bye at the only family I got.

"So," I turn to Nate when my father's tall figure disappears from view. "We're meeting your parents at the airport?"

"Yep, they can't wait to see you again," he squeezes my hand and I laugh at that. I had spoken with his parents yesterday evening at dinner. "But can you do me one favor?"

"Depends on what it is," I lift an eyebrow at his serious face.

He watches the road as he speaks. "Don't become a cheerleader again." He pleads and I squeeze back his hand.

"No worries," I smile, thanking the heavens it wasn't something more serious. "I had my full of cheerleading drama for one year."

"Oh," he says, sounding like he forgot something, but I know better than that. I brace myself. "I realized why we can't find a boyfriend for you."

I suddenly feel a little sick that he still wanted to set me up. That emotion is one I am still confused about. Probably because he is my best friend. Or maybe it's those crazy fantasies I have been having lately. Gush! Me and my boring life.

"And that is?" I ask, not caring for this conversation anymore.

The car jerks to a stop and I look out to see we are at a bakery. The same one where we first met. I turn around to meet his nervous gaze.

"Because I am a possessive, protective and, most importantly, a very jealous person when it comes to you and another guy together," he says and a rush of excitement runs through me. "Amber Addison, will you be a girlfriend?"

Out of nowhere, he pops out my favourite chocolate cupcake and I hug him. I can feel his heart racing fifty miles a second against my breast.

"Yes," I whisper and he wraps his large hands around me, pulling me into his lap. I squeal and he chuckles.

"I think it is now safe to say," he breaths into the crook of my neck. "I am officially in love with you and you mean the universe to me. Thank you for being my drug."

I laugh. "You are so clichè," I tell him before he kisses me. "But a good kind anyway."

And for a change, I actually feel free. I actually think I am someone. I am someone.

I'm Amber Audrey Addison, a special girl.

The End

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