Start from the beginning

"No...I think Principal Mary finally found out that Lenny was the one who changed the message on the marquee in front of the school and that Adam posted up the Teachers Exposed posters last week. "

I laugh, nearly choking on a cherry tomato in the process. "They did that?"

"Yeah, Lenny is kind of a conspiracy nut. He thought that everyone who passed by the school should know that the government pays for public education so they could brainwash the youth and behavior condition us so to create an army of mindless moronic citizens that bend to their corrupt wills and blah blah. I learned to tune out most of it."

Grant shakes his head and looks at his phone as it vibrates on the table. "And Adam, he just hates school and the majority of the teachers here. So he enjoys catching teachers off guard and making fun of them."

I smile as I thought about all the crazy posters I had seen around the school. I think everyone loved those posters because they clapped back at all the mean or just plain horrible teachers here. And what Lenny had posted on the kind of made sense when you really thought about it. But I wasn't going to tell Grant that I had agreed with the message, he would have thought that I was a "conspiracy nut" too.

"You think they'll be expelled?" I ask.

Grant shrugs. "I don't think so. Lenny is an academic scholar that makes the school look good, and Adam is a star athlete on the football team. Those two could get away with murder."

I frown as I consider this. Grant was friends with a hacker and conspiracy theorist and a bulky jock? It made no sense. I mean usually the athletes hung out together with some of the other popular kids and the smart kids often stuck to least that's what it had been like at my other schools. And from the way Grant talked about Adam and Lenny, it seemed like they all couldn't be more different.


"Mmmm, they both got a two week suspension and when they come back they have to do twenty hours of community service around the school." Grant reads from his phone.

"Oh good, that's not so bad. Right?"

"I guess not. Adam could have gotten kicked off the team, and he's trying to get a scholarship and play football in college. And Lenny's parents would have sent him to military school, which is naturally Lenny's worst nightmare."

I giggle and shake my head. "Man...that's crazy. Well I'm glad that it didn't come to that."

"Me either, I would be eating lunch next year by myself."

"Well maybe not. I mean, there's a good chance I'll still be here." Granted I don't screw up things with the Queens.

Grant's brows lift. "You mean you'd come out of hiding for me? Aww, I feel so special!" He jokes.

I nudge him and watch as his dimples deepen with each delighted chuckle.

Wait what?

What was I doing? I'm not the kind of girl that playfully nudges guys around.

Before he can catch on to my internal dilemma I respond, "Ha ha, keep poking fun and you really will be eating alone."

"I'm just playing with you Alana. But seriously, thanks even though I have a feeling that you won't be here next year."

I frown and tilt my head curiously. "Why not."

"Because you'll probably be at Carmichael Prep."

Ugh, not this again. I've had this conversation several times in the past few weeks and even to this moment my mind has remained made up.

"I'm not going to Carmichael Prep."

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