Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sun shining through my window and Mary-Beth's voice telling me to wake up. I groan as she pulls my blankets off of me and onto the floor.

"You have to get up Maria. We need to be there early to help set up."

"Just go without me. I'll meet you there." Mary-Beth is an early bird, unlike me who will sleep until 12 in the afternoon.

"As if. Now get up." She hits me with the pillow and laughs.

"Fine. I'm up. I'm up." I reach for my pillow and pick my blanket up off the floor. I quickly fix my bed and gather my stuff for my shower.

"I'll start breakfast," Mary-Beth says with a smile and walks out of the room.

I go to do my bathroom necessities and take my shower. My nice, long, hot shower. I wash my hair and shave my legs while singing along to the One Direction song on the radio.

Once I'm out and dry, I head into the kitchen to find Mary-Beth making waffles.

"Mmmmm! They smell so good!"

Mary-Beth giggles. "Good. I made your favorite. Chocolate chip blueberry waffles," she says with a big smile.

"You know me so well."

I've known Mary-Beth since high school. We were friends then. We didn't talk or hang out much, but once we found out we were both going to Northwestern we started to hang out more. We got the same dorm room and from there, we became best friends. After graduation we decided to get an apartment. We've been living here for one month now and it's amazing. We get along really well and get the bills paid and groceries bought. I can't imagine anyone else I'd share an apartment with.

"I know," she laughs. "Now eat up so you can go get ready."

I take my time eating my waffles just to annoy her. She kept rolling her eyes every time she would look at me. Each time I would silently laugh.

When I finally finished, I washed my plate went to my room. Thankfully I picked out my outfit the night before, because if I didn't, I'd be spending an hour trying to find an outfit.

I put on my laced red dress that ends one inch above my knees. It flares out at the bottom and the sleeves go a little past my elbows. I add a black waist belt for an accessory and choose to wear my black heels and black necklace.

I make my way to the bathroom to brush my hair and style it be parting it on the right. I add a little bit of eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow to my eyes, and some blush to my cheeks. I put on lip balm and am all done.

"I'm ready!" I call out to Mary-Beth.

"Ok. Let me just get my sweater and my purse," she says.


I go to grab my leather jacket and my black purse. I check myself in the mirror one more time before meeting Mary-Beth in the living room. She's wearing a strapless dark purple hi low dress. It has sparkles all along the top and a little on the bottom. She looks amazing.

"Aw. You look so pretty. That dress looks great on you," I tell her.

"Thank you. You look so great. That dress was designed for you."

"Oh why thank you," I say with a hair flip and we both laugh. "Oh. Feel my legs!" I tell her.

"No way. You do this every time you shave," she says while laughing.

"Oh come on. They feel so smooth."

She just stays there laughing, then finally feels my legs. She's knows I'm weird. I know I'm weird. It's just me who I am.

"Wow. They are smooth."

"I know right." I say and we both burst into laughter. "Anyway, we should get going. Are we going to walk?" I ask her.

"Yes. It's a beautiful day and it's just two blocks."

We leave the apartment and make our way to the party.

"Are you excited?" Mary-Beth asks me as we walk down our block.

"Very. I can't believe Jess is already graduating high school." Jess is my cousin. She's really sweet and is having her graduation party today.

"I know right. It seems like just yesterday that she was hanging out with us, talking about how high school is hell."

"Right! Time goes by so-" I'm cut off when I knock into someone and fall to the ground. My purse and jacket fall out of my hands and scatter on the floor. My phone falls out of my purse during the process.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry." I hear the man say in a British accent. He comes down to help me pick up my purse and he picks up his coat that he dropped. I grab my phone then turn to grab my coat that fell behind me. When I look up, I see a wide eyed, open mouthed Mary-Beth. I'm curious as to what she's so shocked about. When I turn my head I see green eyes starring right at me. Our eyes stay locked on each other for what feels like forever.

(Hi. I'm new to this all. This is my first story on Wattpad and I'm excited to see how this will go. I will make chapter two soon, so don't worry, and I'm sorry for any typos. Hope you're all enjoying the book so far. :)

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