"How long were you in eichen?" Malia asked.

"Seven years," I cringed at the memory.

"S-Seven?!" Stiles' eyes nearly popped out of your head.

"I was put in at eight and checked out at fifteen," I sighed, checking the time, "so what was this all about?"

"We think," Scott said, finally moving from his spot by the door and sitting on the arm of the couch.

"We think you're a banshee," Malia bluntly stated.

"A what-ee?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, eyeing Malia.

"A banshee, they can, I guess predict death, I only recently found out that I was one," Lydia informed me.

"Wait so I'm not insane?!" I clenched my hand into a fist.

"No??" Scott questioned.

Now this news really makes me want to actually scream.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I squeezed the bridge of my nose.

"Aren't you happy you aren't insane??" Lydia questioned.

"I spent seven years in an insane asylum because I was 'insane' now I'm being told I'm a magical creature that predicts death?!" I stood up.

"Olympia," Liam attempted to calm me

"I'm going on a walk," I mumbled, grabbing my bag and stepping over Kira.

I opened the door and shut it behind me, Scotts house was surrounded by woods. I took off in whatever direction my feet were taking me. I sighed leaning against a tree, the leaves rushing in the wind. My sweater offering little to no warmth, I rubbed the sides of my arms. I started to walk, my foot slipped, but at the last second, I felt arms a wrap around me saving me from my fall. I looked into the blue eyes of my savior.

"Hey Liam," I said, kinda awkwardly.

He moved me around and I looked down, there was this huge hole in the ground.

"From the chimeras," He explained.


I inspected the hole for a few more seconds.

"Why are you out here?" I questioned.

"I- Scott wanted me to make sure you were okay," he said.

"Well, I'm good."

"Says the girl who almost fell in a hole."

"We don't talk about that," I smiled.

"Is that so?" He walked past me.

I smiled, shivering a bit from the cold air, crossing my arms over my chest. He turned around to look at me, somehow he had climbed on top of a fallen tree. The moon shined through the trees, illuminating the outline of his body.

"Come up here," he smiled, turning around to face the direction of the moon and stars.

"Without falling off? I'll try my best," I said steeping up onto the tree.

I balanced my way up to Liam, stopping when I was a few inches away.

"C'mere, I won't let you fall," he motioned toward me, I balanced a few more steps and he wrapped one arm around my waist.

I looked through the trees, at the stars shining and glittering. They were like tiny fairy lights, except there were like a million stars.

"Did you know that we have nitrogen, calcium, and carbon in us, and there's the exact same stuff in the stars, I like to look at it as we're all walking stars," I spat out, spur of the moment

"That's cute."

I felt my cheeks heat up into a dark pink, "thanks, even though that's not all we are made of, y'know, we also have oxygen and phosphorous."

"Don't ruin the cute moment, Olympia," he softly said, smiling down at me.

I looked up and for a split second, his blue eyes looked brighter than any star in the sky. The thought caused my head to snap back to the sky.

"We should probably get back to the group," Liam stated.

"Yeah," I agreed, "make sure I don't fall?"

"Of course."

I spread my arms back out into the T they were in when I made my way up. I felt his fingers intertwine with mine, holding them, supported my body. We took our steps in unison all the way back down. He hopped down first, then helped me down. I smiled at him as we made our way back to Scott's house.

Goddamnit, I've developed a crush, shit...

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