Help and All (Spectershipping) [Yuto/Yuuto/Ute x Yuri/Yuuri/Joeri]

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Requested by: whitewolf12 


Yuri was mixing his ingredients in a bright blue bowl. Yuri didn't know why but all of a sudden he felt the urge to make some cookies. He doing the steps that were required to make the cookies. He finally put the cookies in the oven and sat on the counter to wait. The boy was eating the leftover cookie dough with a spoon. He was scrolling through his phone, he was bored. He wanted to be entertained. He then heard footsteps coming into kitchen. Yuri looked in the direction where the sound was coming from.

Yuto stepped in, "You're going to spoil or dinner if you eat all of those cookies by yourself." He sighed out.

"I'm making them for after dinner, though when they do come out I'm going to-" Yuto gave him a soft kiss on lips. Yuri kissed back and pulled him close.

Yuto pulled back, "Don't eat raw cookie dough."

"What are you my mom?" Yuri chuckled as he kissed his cheek (wanting more attention).

"No but I am your husband." He spoke back as he kissed his cheek, giving him attention.

Yuri puffed out his cheeks as Yuto kissed them. His lover couldn't help it but to chuckle now. He blew on his cheek and Yuri laughed. He began to blow raspberries all over his neck, he snaked his own hands down Yuri's body. He began to tickle his sensitive sides. The purpled haired man bursted out into laughter and tried pushing Yuto away.

Though since Yuto was strong he can fight back. He began to blow harder and tickle more. Yuri finally got him off of him and started to pant. His face was red from all of the laughter. It was cute to see him like this. Yuri loved to be tickled a lot and of course Yuto wouldn't mind doing that activity to him. The timer went off and they heard a dinging noise.

"Your cookies smell great." Yuto chuckled out.

Yuri pushed Yuto away slightly and hopped off the counter. He bent down and opened the oven. Yuto patted his butt as he made his way to the fridge. Yuri giggled from the playfulness, he got the cookies out. He placed them on a plate for them to cool down. After ten to fifteen minutes later Yuto picked up a cookie and held it in his mouth. he leaned towards Yuri. Yuri bit off from the other side.

"It taste good." Yuto smiled.

"Thank you, I'm glad they do." He giggled out as he kissed his cheek.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V and ZEXAL {One Shots} {Character x Character)Where stories live. Discover now