He took out the hairbrush and set it on the counter. I smiled at him, he mumbled something and then left the bathroom. I turned the faucet on, putting my hands under the warm water first, washing away the blood from my hands. Once I got all of the blood off I dried my hands off and then stripped down and happened in the shower. Hopefully his shampoo pesky throw off the balance of my hair. I opened the lid and smelled some before pouring it into my hand. I scrubbed it into my hair and then did my usually shower routine. Wash my roots first, rinse that out, wash all of my hair, rinse, condition and put it up in a makeshift bun, wash, and then rinse everything out. I hopped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I opened the door and there was some sweatpants and a Beacon Hills lacrosse t-shirt. I grabbed those and shut the door again. I put on my undergarments and hen slid on my makeshift pajamas. I brushed my hair out quickly and then put the brush back in the drawer.  I folded up my other clothes and carried them against my chest. I shuffled my way into the hall and knocked on Stiles' door. He opened it and smiled at me.

"I'll wash these for you, the show you the guest room, yeah?"

I nodded and followed him down the stairs and into the laundry room. He put my clothes in the wash and put some soap in and close the lid, putting the load on extra small and then pressed start.

"Then tomorrow morning, I'll switch them to the drier and then we can go to your house, sound good?" He reminded.

"Yup," I said, popping the p.

He led me up stairs and to a room off the the left. It was white with a brown accent there was a queen sized bed in the middle with a white blanket and some brown pillows, with a brown bed frame, a brown dresser to the left and then a brown desk by the door, there was a white cup with some pens in them.

"Here you are, this is gonna sound stupid and like I already know the answer, but are you going to school tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am," I said, probably taking him by surprise.

"Oh, alright, we have cereal and stuff for breakfast."

"I don't eat breakfast," I smiled.

He nodded, "alright well, goodnight."

"Goodnight Stiles."

I shut the door behind him and shuffled over to the bed and got under the covers.

-the next day-
-at school-

I stood at my locker struggling to get it open, I pulled on the lock and sighed. Then some hands came into my peripheral vision and unlocked it for me.

"Thanks Liam," I said, opening the door and shiver my hoodie in and my AP world history crap so it wou don't weigh down my backpack.

"Why do you smell like Stiles?" Liam asked, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Because I stayed the night at his house yesterday?" I informed.

"You guys aren't dating or anything right?" He asked.

"God, no!" I shook my head, "my, um mom died last night and I'm kinda living with him now, I guess."

"Oh wow, I'm sorry," he said.

"It's okay, we weren't that close anyway."

She did sent me away for 7 years, I mean...

"So, you're gonna smell like Stiles all the time?" Liam asked.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong, Stiles smells great, but I prefer my strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner," I smiled.

"Yeah, I do too," he smiled.

I laughed and shut my locker, when a girl with brown, curly-ish hair came up behind Liam.

"Hey Hayden," Liam said, "oh, Olympia, this is Hayden, Hayden that's Olympia."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled, adjusted my backpack, "I should get to science, see you."

I made my way off, kind of upset with the fact that Hayden and Liam were a thing, but tried not to let it bother me.

"Olympia," Ms. Rose said shockingly, seeing me walk into the classroom.

She came up to me and smiled at me, I looked up at her, "I'm fine."

Every time someone gives me that look I know what they're thinking or what they're going to say.

"Alright, if you need anything at all, you know you can talk to me," she said.

She wrapped her arms around me and I reciprocated the hug lightly, ironically, she smelled like a field of flowers. I made my way over to my seat and set my backpack down on the table. I set my notebook and pencil case on the table and pulled my backpack down.

I sat down and put my chin in my hand, Mason coming in and sitting down next to me. He was giving me that stupid look too.

"I'm fine," I straightened up.

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