Chapter 2 NEW, HOT MEAT

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        Entering the library compared to the noisy hallway is a haven for me. There were already a couple of people inside. Choosing a table to myself, I took my Physics and Geometry books and placed them on the table. Flipping to the correct pages, I diligently took notes. Especially with tests coming up next week, I hoped I could remember everything. By the time one of my friends arrived, I had already finished studying my Physics.

        "Hey, girlfriend," Angel greets me, taking the seat across me. We've been friends since we could crawl, almost sisters. She had recently dyed her hair a shade of black so it creates a good contrast with her peach-colored skin. With her long legs, she has the perfect height for a model.

        "Hey, Angel," I glanced at her excited face, "I didn't think you would be that excited to help me study." I tapped my pen against my chin.

       "No, no," she waved that thought away, "Oh my God! I have seen the hottest, I mean hottest, guys ever. They were at the office when I walked in. They're new! And they're seniors!" she squealed. She can also be a drama queen.

       I raised my eyebrows at her as I saw Stephanie walked in and hugged Angel from behind.

      No surprises there. I bet everyone was fawning over the Robinson brothers.

      Stephanie hugged me before she took the third seat on the table.

      "Hey, Steph," we both greeted her. Stephanie is such a sweetheart. She has a pixie cut that suits her personality. With those forget-me-not colored eyes, petite nose, and olive skin tone, she is a heart-stopper. Unfortunately for her admirers, she's been dating Rich for most of high school.

      "It's true, Adah'. They are incredibly good-looking," she joined the conversation.

      I gaped at her, "Have you forgotten poor Richie already? Why are you all even ganging up on me?" I pouted.

       "Well, we just love you sweetheart. We would never want you to be lonely."

       "Definitely! We would never want a nun as our best friend! You would be a dear virgin your whole life!" agrees Angel, laughing wildly.

      Stephanie reached out to shut her mouth. It was too late. The librarian already heard us. "Girls," she said loudly, pointedly looking at us. Her voice dropped as she reminded us, "we need you all to be quiet. This is a library."

      Stephanie and I nodded and smiled at her as Angel tried to control her laughter.

      Facing the girls, I gave them my best glare, "Do you know what they tried to do to me this morning? They're not exactly angels."

       "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't rape you," Angel teased.

      "They almost ran me over! Then stole my parking spot!" I fumed, remembering how Twain treated me. They listened to me intently as I recounted the incident at the school parking lot.

       "Wow! Twain sure sounds, um, hateful," Steph said uncertainly. Angel agreed.

       "Come on, you guys. Let's go. I'm already done with my physics. I'll try to study tonight," I stood and packed my stuff up. We walked out the library.

      "How's the family?" Angel softly asked. I looked away from them. Apart from a lousy father, the constant pizzas, and the lonely household, it's just peachy.

      "It's okay if you don't tell us," Stephanie said in my relief.

       "It's fine," I fibbed, "We're still living." I smiled at them to stop their worrying. I hated telling lies, but I was hoping this storm would pass somehow.

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