Both Paris and Prince Jack glanced back at us and then bent their heads, going back to their whispering. I eyed them warily.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked in a hushed tone close to Tristan's ear. He faced me, his aqua eyes intense and immensely-filled with indifference which reminded me of the Prince which almost made me throw up in my mouth.

"I'm really not sure. Maybe wealth and politics," he guessed and I scrunched up my face which I was pretty sure made me look like a pig.

"Boring. Anyways, how's the ball been going?"

"Truthfully? Uninteresting without you," Tristan answered and heat burned my cheeks.

"Oh." I didn't know what else to say. "Do you think the King and Queen will like me?"

He shurgged, his expression thoughtful. "I really don't know. They're the King and Queen and they have their... requirements but it's something we'll just soon find out."

I nodded just to show that I understood though I didn't. I still didn't want to be here but I had no say in this whatsoever unless...

"Tristan," I started out in a low voice. "Do I really have to attend this...banquet or whatever?"

Tristan sighed and nodded heavily. "It is mandatory."

I rolled my eyes at his answer. "Do you always have to follow the rules here?"


"But why?"

Tristan opened his mouth but then clamped it shut. I had caught him off guard. He was quiet for awhile as we walked down a narrow corridor in silence since Paris and the Prince, who were in front, had succumb to silence as well.

"I don't know," he said after awhile.

I shook my head, dissatisfied with that response. "Dont you ever have fun?"

Tristan raised his eyebrows in shock. "No. This," he gestured with his free hand towards the wall on his side. "is my life. And I have responsibilities."

I pursed my lips. "Everybody deserves to let loose sometimes."

"Not me."

"You seriously like what you do?" I questioned, growing exasperated.

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

"It does. And today, both you and I are gonna skip this lunch so you can experience some real fun...and because I don't want to go to that lunch,  brunch thingy."

"I can't. You don't know how much trouble I could get into."

"So? You're supposed to get into trouble sometimes." I shrugged, really determined to leave this castle and take Tristan out.

"And there are soldiers all over the place. We wouldn't make it out the front entrance without getting caught."

"Says who. Don't forget thst you're in the prescence of Isabella Lighte," I reminded him. "And I don't take no for an answer!"

I didn't notice that my voice had gotten louder because it caused Paris to crane her neck and eye us with scepticism. Well she glanced at Tristan quickly before sneering at me.

I poked my tongue out because it seemed like the right thing to do. I was glad that the Prince didn't turn around though with some look because it would've probably drove me to do something I surely wouldn't regret.

My attention shifted back to Tristan when his shoulders collasped in defeat. "But I...can't."

"Sure you can. And I'll just say everything was my idea and I forced you. What's the least they can do?" I asked, growing even more confident.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2011 ⏰

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