Masked Love 5

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Thanks for all the heartfelt comments and votes. Ahh, it means a lot!!!! Anyways enjoy and like I promised this is the last chapter for the first night of the Ball. If there any mistakes, my bad! Enjoy!

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Chapter 5- "Woe is me"

Two heads including mine turned towards that now familiar voice that I seemed to think, followed me everywhere. There he was leaning against the side banister that shown a little, his silhouette outlined by the light. His careless but amused aura shown brightly. He smirked once he saw all attention had diverted itself his way. He straightened up and walked, fully behind the stairwell, the darkness cloaking him as it did us.

"Ahem. Jacques, I believe there is a male in our presence, in fact two now, including you as one of them," Tristan said. His brother just rolled his eyes in reply, pursed his lips for a second or two and then opened them again.

"Well, nobody can ever doubt you for your wits, Tri. Since we got our facts straight, will anybody answer my question?" Jacques asked. I had no intention of answering but he stared straight at me. There was a deathly silence as Jacques waited patiently. It was Paris who broke the silence.

"Oh, nothing, really. But what were we really doing back here and what were you doing with Prince Tristan?" Paris asked thoughtfully. I never figured her for the airhead type but I guess I didn't judge her too much. Prince Jacques stared at Tristan and I, quizzically. I cocked my left eyebrow up while Tristan didn't looked moved, in fact he stared at his brother, his eyes saying or daring, I should say, for him to do something.

"Now that I think about it, I was back here, asking Isabella for the first dance. My favorite artist Josh Vietti is just coming up to perform, and I cant think of more better music to dance to," Tristan answered watching for my reaction. I smiled gratefully, glad for the save. I looked to Prince Jacques, just to see a hint of a spark flash in his royal blue eyes. Was that actually....jealousy?

I stood up straight and started to walk Tristan's way when Prince Jacques intersected into my way. He cleared his throat and looked Tristan in the eye. I could see Paris out of my corners of my eyes, to see her watching with an amused facial expression, sort of dazed though. Maybe thinking about the Prince.

"Well, Tristan, I came back here to ask for Isabella's first dance," he said through gritted teeth. Annoyance passed Tristan's face, before defeat took over. Why was he giving up so early? Was he afraid I would deny his offer? Well, Prince Jacques had another thing coming his way if he thought I would dance with him.

"Actually, I am sorry to say, I'm going to deny your invitation. Tristan asked first and I like to play fair," I cut in. Prince Jacques looked back at me and then a cocky grin took control of his lips.

"Well, I'm sorry, Isabella, but that's not how the Masked Love works. If any gentlemen other than the Prince destined to choose, wants to dance with the same girl the Prince wants to dance with, that man has to wait until the Prince finishes having the girl's first dance with her. I don't wish it any different because the today, the odds in my favor," Prince Jacques explained quite smugly. I glowered back at him, while crossing my arms stubbornly, shaking my head.

"Well, I guess I wont dance tonight, then," I came down to. There was no way I would dance with him or any gentlemen if I meant I had too. Instead of frowning, the Prince just smirked in satisfaction.

"If that is your choice. But I'll have you know, you're to dance with me for the next four days of the Ball without as much as a word of disagreement in it," The Prince added. I could feel my eyes bulge out of its sockets. What?!! Does that mean I have to dance with him right now? No, I could still reject his offer and fake-sick for the next four days. No, that wouldn't work, because if I was on Death's doorstep, the Prince would not care until he had his rightful dances. Why did he want to dance with me so bad? What was so special about me? Maybe I should give in and act so needy, making him run the other direction.

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