Chapter 40: We all have things to say

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This chapter is a filler chapter, I'll admit that. But it gives you insight into the character's mind...
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Derek's mom had always told him that you should never give up on the things you believe in. Derek always listened to his mom's words so he wasn't going to give up on him and Meredith. Being with Meredith was perfect and right and it just...was. He could breath again with her, something he couldn't do if he was with Addison. And after being with Addison for a decent 5 years, he needed to be able to breathe again. And that could only be accomplished with Meredith in the picture. The last time he attempted to make things right, she snapped at him. Then she clarified that she was in a bad mood and to try to talk to her later. Later was now. He was going to finally fess up his love for her. His shift ended at 7:00 and so did all the resident's. He checked and made sure that Meredith wasn't on call or something. Then his plan wouldn't work. He loved Meredith and he needed to tell her. ❤️

It's just a matter of time a few days ago
I saw you, you were fine
Remembering what you said
About the book you read
The one I got you
The Beginning of the End
Oh how we'd talk
For hours upon end
What I would give
Just to do it again

Meredith's mom was a lot of things. She was a bitch, she was unflattering and she was devoid of a heart. But she was also honest. Brutally honest but honest nonetheless. And Meredith admired that along with Ellis's work ethic. Yeah she was a bad mom, but she had to be the best surgeon. Meredith realized she should be spending some time with her mom, but the fact that she could run into a special oncologist made the idea seem less unflattering. But Meredith liked the part where her mom was honest. So she needed to be honest with Derek and tell him that she was not a good person. She decided yesterday that she was a terrible person, for her past. She had to tell Derek, or else then she would be giving him false hope. 💔

If you fly away tonight
I want to tell you that I love you
I hope that you can hear me
I hope that you can feel me
If you fly away tonight
I want to tell you that I'm sorry
That I never told you
When we were face to face

Mark Sloan didn't have a caring or selfless mother. He had an alcoholic mother who used to cry 24/7. But if he learned anything from her it was that things left unsaid were not healthy. His father was never in the picture, so Mark knew his mother regretted that she wasn't able to provide for him. That's why he leeched on to the Shepherd's. And after awhile, when he was old enough, he found comfort in kissing, making out and eventually having one night stands. But something about this intern Lexie Grey, caught his attention. Sure he had girl friends but they were more like "buddies" [if you know what I mean😏] . But he had spend the evening shift with Lexie Grey on his service and she was wonderful and pleasant to work with. And he thought of her as someone who was more than a one night stand and that scared him shitless. But he knew he had to say something to Lexie Grey. Because he also knew if he didn't it would lead to unhealthiness and he didn't have anyone to clean up his mess. So Mark concluded he would ask his intern out for a couple of drinks and then send her home. And if they were compatible he would ask her out for second date and not get into her pants. Mark's conclusion was that he was going to ask Lexie Grey out on a date.

That there could be hope
I could say to your face
If it weren't for you
That there would be no grace
That's covered my life
You took the time
To speak into my mind
And my heart
Words of life

Cristina's mother always stressed about the littlest stupidest things. She stressed about what dress to wear to what party and what type of cocktail to serve the guests. It drove Cristina insane most of the time, so when she started getting heart burn she knew that she was stressing. Cristina knew that the stress of choosing between Owen and Burke was getting to her. She couldn't operate the way she wanted and she wasn't getting hot and heavy with anyone. In the back of Cristina's mind, she knew she has chosen Owen, but she was also scared if she chose him that Burke would deny her any more surgeries. And that wasn't an option. Surgery was her life, right next to breathing and eating. Her whole goal in life was to become an iconic cardiothoracics surgeon, so she couldn't let a couple of guys confuse her. So she was going to tell Burke that she chose Owen and that she would take it from there. If he denied her surgeries, then it would become a personal interference with the hospital's policy. You have to teach your students. So with that she was going to tell Burke that they weren't meant to be. And right after that she was driving to Owen's place and cuddling with him. It was nice. Cristina thought to herself, that she was going to get it all. A boyfriend and a lot of surgeries. But before she could have either she had to tell Burke. ❗️

Are the ones that I'm with
And you taught me not
To take for granted
The time that we have
To show that we care
Speak into their minds
And their hearts
While their here
And say I love you

Hope you got to see everyone's perspective. Derek need to tell Mer he loves her. Meredith needs to tell Der that she is a cheating whore. {which btw she isn't, but that's just the way she sees herself} Mark needs to tell Lexie to go on a date and Cristina finally made a decision.

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Song: Things left unsaid by the Disciples.

Alternate title: Mothers know best.


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