Chapter 32: Confusion (part 2)

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Okay since you guys got me 21 votes, I'll give you this long awaited chapter😀 although I was kinda expecting like 25 votes😅

"And the worst part is" she breathed. "My past is still haunting me"

"Whydoyoumean?" He mumbled while pressing a sweet kiss on her temple.

"I'm him" she whispered.

"YOUR WHAT?" Derek rapidly threw his hands in the air and yelled.

"Now you think I'm a whore..." Meredith began sobbing. Derek had never seen her so vulnerable. The Meredith he knew was always head-strong and stubborn. But then again he didn't know anything about her anymore.

"Are you guys living together? Was he on a business trip? Where was he for the past three months?! Why aren't you wearing a ring on your finger?" All these questions flew out of Derek's quivering mouth before he could stop himself.

"Derek, I don't even like him and I want nothing to do with him!" She whined.

"Answer. My. Questions." Derek gritted his teeth. He had the right to be angry.

Meredith flinched at his sudden change in attitude, but began answering his questions. "We're not living together. He wasn't on a business trip, because I left him in Boston and moved out here. So I didn't know about his whereabouts. I'm not wearing a ring on my finger because I don't love him"

"Then why did you guys get married"

"Honesty I don't even know"

"MEREDITH! You married the guy, at least give a legitimate goddamn answer!"

Meredith flinched again at his scorning words.

"I guess I was happy to be 18, an adult. And my mother thought I was wasn't worthy to become a doctor. So she tried to set me up with him-" Meredith got cut off.

"What's his name?"

"Connor... Mackenson"

"So that's makes you Dr. Mackenson?"

"No" she quivered. "My mother she tried to set me up with him, basically it was an arranged marriage. At first he was really nice at first but then he had different values than me. He said he loved me and then he would do anything for me but he actually wouldn't let me do anything. It was like I was in an abusive relationship without the actual hitting and punching" she incoherently spoke.

"We weren't happy. At least I wasn't. My mother loved him and he would do anything for her. My mother said that I needed to be housewife and not worry about being a doctor, and she said that Connor also believed that I was only good for being a housewife. Living like that was hell! I was 20, and I was stuck doing laundry and dusting the bookshelf's! Meanwhile I could've been getting a college degree!" Meredith's voice shook.

"Then one day I got really drunk and somethings happened, and he threw me out after slapping and hitting me." Meredith now had a waterfall of tears streaming down her porcelain pale face. Derek didn't want to implode any pain. But from the tragic story she was telling and the bloodshot eyes that indicated that she was crying, all Derek wanted to do was comfort her by tightly wrapping her. He felt terrible for snapping at her.

"After he threw me out, I ran away with all my savings and started college. Since I wasn't rich or anything and I went to a mediocre college I was excepted into Mercy West. Then I tried to forget my past. I always denied who my mother was. Because frankly, she wasn't a mother. What mother forces their child into marriage at the ripe age of 18 and doesn't care about the child's happiness. Then I met Alex and he was nice and kind. So he asked me out, and I didn't wants anyone to get suspicious so I went out with him. We did our internship together next the merger and you know the rest." Meredith cried out, in the dark forbaded on call room. "I'm not in love with him like the way your supposed to be in love with your husband. Our marriage was just a facade. It was messy and pathetic."

Derek just shook his head. His heart feeling a mix of emotions.

Happy that she wasn't in love with Connor. Angry that she was married and that he was lied to. Sad and concerned because of Meredith's childhood. Guilt because he made her spill her dirty secrets. But mostly confused. Confused, because he has no idea what the hell to do now. So he did the one thing that seemed sane at the moment, he got up, looked at Meredith's tired face, unlocked the door and got out. Leaving Meredith to think about her selfish mistakes.

Does Meredith's past make you sad? Don't worry you'll learn more, soon.

Did Derek do the right thing my leaving her alone?

Does Connor seem like an ass? Well he is😂

22 votes and 10 comments while fuel me up to write another chapter.


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