Chapter 33: The Dreaded Talk

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Hey guys! I know I kinda dropped a bomb with the whole "Connor and Mer married" thing, but I hope I got that cleared up. Don't worry, you will learn more about Connor and their whole marriage, and the fact that Ellis is here with her alzheimer's should spice some things up. If you're confused about some parts don't be afraid to leave a comment below and I'll try my best to answer your question without spoiling the whole story.

Meredith's POV
(Ellis's room)

"WHERE IS THE PATIENT'S CHART!" Ellis screeched at the terrified nurse.

"Mother, calm down!" I warned my mom, who sadly had Alzheimer's. I decided on calling her mother or Ellis, but never mom. Mom means someone who cares for their child and loves them. Mother means you gave birth to a child. There is a HUGE difference if you know what I mean.

"Mother? I'm not a mother! I'm not even married yet! I'm just an intern!" She continued yelling. Clearly she was reliving her morbid intern days.

"Lucy please just get her a random chart" I begged the petrified nurse who was waiting at beck and call for my mother.

"Uh sure Dr. Grey" she replied as she ran off.

"Thank You" I called back.

"Are you a nurse or temp nurse?" Ellis questioned me.

"Ma, it's me. I'm a second year resident. I'm Meredith Grey. Your daughter"


"If you're a resident than can I scrub in with you on a case. I am the best intern here, even though I am a girl." She calmly said.

I remember what her doctor said. If she isn't lucid then remind her who you are. She clearly didn't want me, and there was no point continuing reminding who her daughter was. I was an unwanted mess. My mother just stated that she didn't want children, which meant I was an accident. My father walked out on me when I was just a toddler. After I told Derek all my life's secrets and shared all my pain, I basically gave him my heart and he walked away. Anyways that whole thing was three days ago. Screw the bullshit rules, I'll play pretend with my mother, if it made me feel better, than to be reminded that I was unwanted.

"Of course you can scrub in. Plus us females have to stick together." I referred to the fact that when my mother did her internship she was the only female. When I was in Med-School I had relearn all this crap information about my mother. Like I already didn't have to live with her.

"Thanks" she said. Lucy came back with a random chart and I told my mother to overlook it and know the chart by heart. We were waiting for the 'famous' oncologist that was consulting my mother's cancer condition. Although I already had a pretty good idea who it was. I just needed that Doctor to appear, and everything would be confirmed.

Minutes later, that Doctor appeared. And at that moment I realized that God hated me.

"Good Morning Dr. Grey, and Dr. Grey" he cheerfully smiled.

"Oh, hello" my mother huffed as she continued reading the chart.

"Hi" I recalled my manners. I was so good at avoiding people, I even avoided him for three straight days. But now he was here and avoiding him was no longer an option.

"This feels like a family reunion" Connor said as he looked over Ellis's chart. "The mother in law, and the wife, and now the husband"

"I am not a mother in law, because I don't have children, nor do I plan to. If I become pregnant, it would've been an accident." She simply stated, not knowing that her accident child was the one that was caring for her.

"Okay, I'm going to need new scans. Maybe the cancer has progressed, and I can't consult if I don't have the whole story." Connor informed us.

"Nurse! Prep her for MRI and have an intern take her there." He barked orders at Lucy. I shook my head, how does a world-class oncologist not bother to care to learn the names of nurses and interns. I mean Derek was a world-class neurosurgeon. I read articles about him, and his successful clinical trials, and Derek was nice to all the nurses and interns. Lucy slowly took my mother away to the MRI, as she paged the intern to meet her there.

"Meri, we need to talk" he said, using my god awful nickname. Derek always called me Mer, and he made it sound sexy and charming. Connor made everything sound bad.

"About..." I replied, avoiding eye contact.

"About, your mother's condition, and the fact that she has Alzheimer's doesn't help us. And after we're done talking about that, we can catch up on life. Since you are my wife" he smirked.

"We can only discuss stuff about my mother, as far as our marriage, I'm filing for a divorce"

"There's someone else, isn't there" He slowly nodded.


"You said you wanted a divorce! That means there's someone else. Which also means you've been cheating on me since we're still married."

"Our marriage was all fake."

"You know what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater" he rolled his eyes. His words stung me. I admit I made a stupid mistake all those years ago, but if anything, I felt like I was cheating Derek.

"I have this thing... Since I'm a resident, I can be very we can talk about my mother later" I went out of the room and ran to an on-call room. I was probably gonna throw up.

This was a long awaited chapter!
Grey's won at the PCAs and I'm so happy. Ellen also won, but Justin Chambers or Jesse Williams should've also won🐙
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