Chapter 26: Love and Lust (part 3)

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No hate on the last chapter plz
Sorry I left you guys hanging!

They just laid there, after what seemed round number 3, or 4. Derek embraced Meredith in his muscular arms, smiling at how perfectly she fit against his body.

"You okay?" Derek asked, making sure she was fine

"Hmm?" She said, as she lost her train of thought

"What were you thinking about?"


"Please," he sighed. He wanted to know her, to enjoy her, and maybe one day possibly love her.

"I was thinking about how safe.... I felt in....your arms.... and then I thought back to last time.....I felt like this.... and that was before my, and then I so yeah"

"Did anyone ever tell you, you look adorable when you ramble" He said as he hugged Mer tighter.

"No not really" she blushed.

Derek wanted to tell her about his dad. He felt like he could tell everything to her. His feelings, his past, and his ideas. He wanted to share his past with her, in hopes he would learn what happened to her.

"My dad, he was shot" he bluntly stated.

Meredith gasped, and then turned over so she was now facing Derek. Her breasts brushing Derek's bare chest. "You don't have to tell me what happened Der"

"But I want to"

"Okay" she said as she buried her nose into the nook of his neck, smelling the manly smell, that was reserved for Derek.

"Me and my sister Amelia, were with our mom, and my other sisters were at school."

"It's fine, you don't have to tell me"

"But from the police reports, it said he was robbed and then shot." Derek ignored Meredith, and began giving out details of his life, he had only given to Mark. Not even his wife of 6 years had known about this. "They asked my mom, to check if anything was missing from his body, and she said his watch. The watch she has bought him. So we concluded the asshole murderers wanted my dad's watch, but he wouldn't give it to them, so they shot him."

"Oh I'm sorry" Mer breathed, feeling truly sad. "Were you close with your dad?"

"Not really considering I was only 6 at that time, but I remember we would go fishing all the time, by the lake near our picnic spot"

"The world is a cruel place"

"Why would you say something like that?" He frowned. The world had led him to find Meredith, the most breathtaking woman he had ever met.

"My dad, or I should say my sperm donor, had an affair with my mom. Which I get, because if I was married to my mom, I would have an affair." She took a deep breath. "But when his mistress got pregnant, he just left me and my mom, to raise another child." She knew she had tears forming at the very back of her eyes. "And then Lexie, you know the other Dr. Grey, she's the second child of my dad and his mistress." Meredith looked into Derek's midnight blue eyes, and began pouring her hear out. "Which means, he truly cared for his mistress and the child, but didn't care about me"She coughed a little as Derek tried to grasp everything being said to him. "Not even a Christmas card or birthday present" a small tear streamed across Meredith's face."That's not even the worst part"

"The worst part? You mean there's more to your crappy childhood?" Derek asked in disbelief. Sure, his father died, and it wasn't easy for him to cope, but a father not wanting you, that was uncharted territory.

"My mother Ellis Grey? Yeah she lacked in the mother department. I don't think I can say this without being rude, but she's a pain in the ass, cold hearted, self conceited bitch."

Derek tried to hold back his laughter but he couldn't. "Did you just call your mother a bitch?"

"Yeah" she giggled. "You wanna know why?"

"Not really..."

"I'll tell you anyways, she never bothered to buy me a Christmas or Birthday present. Never cared enough to tuck me in at night and read me a story. She never loved me enough to even hold me when I was having a nightmare" Meredith said, as she tried to hold back the tears.

"Oh god" Derek sighed as he kissed her forehead. He couldn't even start to imagine the hell she lived in. At least he had a caring mother and siblings that supported him. Meredith didn't even have that.

"I'll be here for you, no matter what. I'll always be here" Derek honestly stated.

"Okay" Meredith said, a little unsure. She was a girl with abandonment issues. First her Dad, technically her mom, then him... And lastly Alex, although Alex didn't count. Meredith never knew what it felt like to be loved. Sure people had said "I love you" to her, but did they actually mean it? Meredith extremely enjoyed the relationship she had with Derek, but some part of her said not to get too attached with him, because he would end up leaving, like the rest of them. "Anyways, if my dad died, I wouldn't give a shit, because it wouldn't make a difference but you were so young, and you didn't have a dad to guide you. So the world is a cruel place."

"Basically if you could trade my dad's death with your dad's death, you would" Derek tried making sense of the words thrown at him.


"That's very generous of you" he chuckled.


"You know, I would trade my child hood for your crappy one, to shelter you from the bad things in the world" Derek admitted. No one, especially Meredith, should have to go through what she went through. Also because Meredith wasn't like any of the girls he dated before. The girls he dated before, namely, Addison, were self-conceited, egotistical women, who wore too much makeup and weren't half as good as Mer, in bed. Meredith on the other hand, was headstrong but vulnerable at times. She was selfless and the best he'd ever had.

"You tired?" She asked with a seductive lip bite.

"No way in hell, am I tired" he replied before flipping onto her small body and pressing kisses to her neck.

Meredith laughed, her infectious laugh, and managed to moan "round number 5"

Derek corrected her, by saying "round number 6, and many more round to come

Meredith let out a chuckle before kissing Derek collarbone.

Maybe I will get my happily ever after? She thought to herself.

That concludes part 3!
The next chapters will be short, but drama filled. I won't be able to update as much, because I have to work on some of my other stories, but I'm not abandoning this story either.

I thought Love and Lust parts 1-3 were cute af. Leave your opinions...bcuz I would love to know.

Cliffhanger: the drama will be centered around someone from Mer's past. Can you guys guess who?

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