Chapter 17: Liver Repair

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A/N I know it's been awhile since I've updated but im hoping to change that. I don't have school today or tomorrow, which means I can update more often. Anyways I know I usually update my stories around the evening but I thought I should update before I forget.

Part 1:
Derek's POV
(Scrub room)

I wasn't giving Meredith the cold shoulder, I was just trying to act professional. When I walked into to look at the CT scans of Katerina, I saw her and Dr. Davis constantly making eye contact. I thought for a second they were a "thing" but immediately realized it wasn't anything to be nervous about. As I carefully washed my hands, the door opened and in walked the beautiful Meredith. Her hair was pinned up in a blue scrub cap, all residents need to wear the designed cap. She was wearing the wrinkled scrubs that indicated that she was working a tiring shift. Meredith walked over to the sink and poured some soap into her small hands.

"Dr. Shepherd" she said.

"Meredith, you don't have to call me Dr. Shepherd right now, you know" I explained to her.

"Oh okay, so when do I call you Dr. Shepherd?" I was taken back by her tone.

"People still don't know about our relationship, so until it is exclusive"

"Really? After one date, we're a thing?" Her attitude was emerging of as if she didn't want to be with me.

Maybe I was wrong, for me our coffee date went pretty well, but maybe for her it didn't.

"I'll see you inside Dr. Shepherd," she emphasized the Dr. Shepherd part, making it clear that she wouldn't be calling me Derek.

I walked into the OR and I saw the helpless 16 year old laying there will bruises all over her body. I saw that Dr. Davis and Meredith already started cutting into her liver, so I decided to start her craniotomy. But before I did that, I said "it's a beautiful day to save lives" something I always say before my surgeries.

( 45 minutes later )

"Very nicely done" a voice from behind me said.

"Thank You"

"That's so amazing! how did you do that" the same voice said, which I now recognized as Rose, the scrub nurse.

"I just used the nerve and twisted it so it would clot the bleeding"

"Wow, some people really do have talent" she said smiling.

I smiled back,

"I love the way we have small talks, there so refreshing, although we may want to steer clear, some people may think we're dating" she said. I could feel my face flush a shade of red. 5 nurses, 3 interns and 2 doctors heard that, including Meredith. The only time me and Rose talked were when I told her that licorice was in her teeth and when she told me good job on my surgeries. I hope I wasn't giving her the wrong impression. I tried carefully trying to ignore the words that Rose uttered focused solely on the open brain in front of me.

This is PART 1
I will update PART 2 tomorrow, but I think the next chapter will be one you'll like. Sorry for the suspense and fluff.

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