Chapter 37: Forgetting is impossible

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I know the story line might me be a bit confusing so:

MerDer were happy for about 2 months. Instead of Derek's wife coming in, like the actual Grey's, I decided to take a risky twist and make Meredith have a husband which Derek finds out rather...awkwardly. Connor aka Mer's hub, was one of Richard's students and is treating Ellis's cancer. I know family members aren't allowed to treat their family member's but Richard made an exception seeing that Mer is getting a divorce. Then Derek realizes he loves her but Mer has lost a lot of trust in him. Ellis had surgery while Derek and Connor working on her together. Connor does not know who Derek is yet... and believe me when he finds out Derek's face won't be so dreamy.  Hopefully that covers it, now on with the story.

(Thursday Morning, 6:30am)

Meredith had enough with life. All she wanted to do was not live. The past week had been hell. Utter hell.

First, her mother was being a bitch, but she couldn't blame her cause she had freaking Alzheimer's. Her surgery had some complications but it was good. The surgery was the only way the IL-ll (il-two) would have worked. And Ellis, needed chemo.

Second, her long lost husband was treating her mother. Her husband, who had ruined everything.

Third, Derek was being... All Dereky. He wanted to rekindle their relationship, but she had put an end to it. He also monitored her mother during surgery. Which was awkward because having your lousy excuse for a mother, with your soon to be ex-husband and your ex-boyfriend/mistress in a room was helluva weird thing to be dealing with.

Fourth, Lexie kept bothering her about being sisterly and how she wouldn't give up.

Fifth, the plastics attending kept hitting on her and made inappropriate innuendo. But that should really be bothering her. Guys always hit on her.

Sixth, she had to go meet with her lawyer and get the divorce papers.

So Meredith Grey, was going to drown herself. She inhaled a deep breath and slowly sunk into the bathtub. Dying would be an easy solution.

A few seconds later a knock on the door came.

"Mer?" Came the voice of her roommate #1. April.

"Is she there? She's making us late" said roommate #2. Jackson.

"I need to pee". An unknown voice stated. Meredith dubbed her as Jackson's one night stand who had kept her up from all the screaming.

"Shut it blondie" April scoffed at the clueless girl who was dressed in lingerie. "Meredith?"

"Mer? Answer please!" Jackson's voice was laced in concern.

"Open the door" April mumbled to Jackson.

"Fine" he huffed as he ran into the locked door. After slamming into it with his shoulder the three found a nearly dead Meredith.

"Oh my god!!" April screamed as she looked at her pale and unconscious friend.

"Oh my god! Meredith!" Jackson, his eyes wide, not only because he had seen his best friend naked, but also half dead

"Can I pee now?" the random blond said, not really caring if the girl in the tub died or not.

Were their reactions.

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