Chapter 8: Hangover Sorrows

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A/N- OMG I got my 6 votes within 24 hours👏🏻 you guys are ah-mazing!
This chapter will focus on Merstina or Meredith and Christina.

-reminder: Meredith and Derek were at a bar. Meredith was hangin out with  Alex, Izzie etc... and Derek was "stalking" Meredith. Just wanted to clear that up.

Christina's POV
(Meredith's and April's house.)
I fluttered my eyes open. I looked around hoping to see my bed, in my room, in my house. But no, I was in some random room. From the looks of it I could tell the room wasn't used and it was new. There was boxes spread around the floor.

I tried to turn my body over to the side but a headache overcame me. Just then I realized I had a real bad hangover. I mean, I've had hangovers before when I was an intern but I've never had one this bad since college.

I could feel the presence of someone next to me. I knew right away it was my ugly one night stand. It's always ugly. Drunk Christina has a very bad choice in men. But the topic of men brought numerous heartbreaks.


I promised Owen and Burke I'd tell them who I'd pick. I was scared to turn around and see who I chose, because clearly my hangover wiped all my memories of the previous night.

After five long minutes of trying to turn my body and preparing myself to see either Burke or Owen, I found a pile of blonde hair and a girl sleeping next to me!

I immediately jumped up and screamed "WHO THE FU..." but before I could finish my sentence I found Meredith turning over and waking up.

"Why the hell would you scream!" She said in a hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry, I just don't remember what happened or who happened" I said in a very confusing tone.

"Yeah, tequila will do that to you" Meredith got up to brush her teeth and thankfully she was fully dressed or God Knows what would have took place.

"Do you know what happened?" I questioned.

"No, ask the others" she said while rinsing her mouth. Others? I thought.

She led me downstairs to the kitchen where I found Izzie and some black guy making out.

"Ugh, get a room!" Meredith yelled as she cleaned up the clothes on the floor and handed them to him.

"Sorry" Izzie, my colleague replied shyly.

"Iz, I totally blanked out yesterday, mind filling me in?" Meredith conversed with the her while making some coffee for all of us.

"Umm, you and Cristina had one too many shots of tequila and so we decided to put you two in one room so none of us have to suffer the smell of straight up tequila" she began.

"What else?" I asked pretending to be interested in the convo.

"Me and Jackson made out, like a lot, and April is still sleeping." She continued.

"Where's Alex" Meredith concerningly asked while passing me and Izzie a mug of coffee. I gave her a 'thanks' smile.

"He was sleeping on the new couch but then he woke up from the noise me and Jackson were making so I guess he went to the bathroom" she answered her.

"Hey, Mer do you know if George was on call or not because I couldn't find him." She nodded.

Damn, Izzie and Meredith were already on nickname basis and I yet had to learn the names of the shirtless black guy making out with Izzie, and the muscular guy that just walked out of the bathroom. He pecked Meredith a kiss on the cheek and stole her coffee. Obviously they were a couple.

After a Alex, April and Jackson introduced them to myself, all the guys left. The house where Meredith and April lived was pretty nice and a good distance away from the hospital. If only they had another room to spare.

"Umm so Izzie do you perhaps remember who I chose?" I pulled Izzie to the side so Meredith couldn't hear, but she already figured out my boy problems.

"Cristina, Owen was on call and Burke showed up but left ten seconds after because a incoming trauma came in." Her answer lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. This meant I still had time to choose.

A/N I know this update is a very terrible written chapter but I hope you liked the "squad" hanging out at Meredith and April's house. When this gets 7+ votes I'll update again💋

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