Chapter 43: Bad Day (part 1)

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Hey lovelies, so 11k views...woah I was totally not planning for this with the story. Actually I have no idea what I was planning for the story but I'm glad the way I took it. I owe it all to my amazing readers and voters and especially commenters💘

(Same day as previous chapter)

Izzie was having a bad day, understatement, she was was a terrible day. The reasons of that will be kept to a secret, well who am I kidding, but whatever is told here stays between you and Izzie.

She had a daughter, yes a 10 year old daughter. It is possible for a 25 year old to have an almost pre-teen daughter. But that just meant she would've had to been pregnant at 15, which would've make her a teen mom. C'mon I mean she was raised in a trailer park, she didn't have the best role models so she had "fun" since an early age.

Her daughter had apparently had bone cancer, and her adoptive parents reached out to her for a transplant. So afterwards she thought she could've at least meet with her, but her own blood didn't want to meet with her. She was on the verge of tears but she kept it together and planned to get drinks with George and Jackson. She and Jackson were kinda hanging out, but totally in a non-romantic way. After their one night stand about three months ago, they decided to keep friendly term to avoid awkwardness.

- - -

George was having a hectic day, or night since now it was 8:00 pm. When he was repeating his intern year things had been easier, and now since he was a late come resident he had to work double shifts and pick up the slack. He wanted to grab a beer and then go home to his apartment that he and Izzie and this other guy Nathan shared. He barely had time to see his friends today, including Izzie who was deathly pale and Meredith who was feeling suicidal. He quickly changed into his regular clothes and waited in the resident's lounge for Izzie to end her shift. The resident's lounge was definitely a pro of becoming a resident, because the intern's locker room was something he did not miss at all.

- - -

April Kepner was a virgin, there she said it. The case she had worked on earlier with Meredith really bothered her and made her feel insecure but she was a doctor and she couldn't have been grossed out. A woman who was waiting until she got married to loose 'it' had a condom stuck up her nose, which was just a big misunderstanding but the fact of sex and condoms just made April uncomfortable. She wasn't stupid, most of her friends, well all of her friends had pre-marital sex but the fact that letting anyone take your innocence was big deal. So April was having a bad day and needed some extreme beer drinking, which is exactly why she was waiting for Jackson or Meredith or even Alex at this point to come back from their shift and have a drink with her. Soon Dr. O'Malley walked in and changed and also sat down. She concluded that he too was waiting for someone.


Jackson was a fabulous student, or so he thought so. Up until today he was pretty sure his skills were subpar, but one day of working with Sloan was life changing, and not in a good way. He belittled him, made him get his coffee and dry cleaning. Sloan even promised a scrub in on the facial reconstruction but since he ended up getting his laundry late he missed his chance. Jackson was furious, he was convinced the only to get ahead here was to sleep with attendings. But he really didn't mean that, Mer was going through a funk and she needed all the support she could get. Just then he bumped into a friend of his.

"Oops, I'm sorry" she smiled

"It's fine Izzie, your shift ended right?" Jackson asked for reassurance.

"Yeah lemme go get ready and maybe we could catch a drink?" She asked walking into the lounge.

"Definitely" he grinned, as he too walked into the resident's lounge.

"Jackson" he heads a faint gasp.

"Hey April...what's wrong?" He frowned.

"Nothing" the redhead shrugged, "I need a drink, come with?"

"Yeah, but I'm also going with Iz, is it okay if she tags along?"


"Hey Iz, ready to head out?" Jackson called out.

"Yes, and George needs a drink too"

"That's fine I'm coming too" April announced as the four of them left the building.

Wish we could turn back time
Back to the good ole days
When our mama sang us to sleep
But now we're stressed out
Oh yeah I forgot to put the warning alert for *filler chapter*. I know this is a filler chapter, and so will the next one but if you vote (16 votes¿) and if you comment (leave 16 quick comments) I will write quicker because there are some new characters I wanna introduce.


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