Chapter 2: The Dilemma

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Christina's POV
(On call room) [same day]

"I'm so stressed Burke" I blurted out.

He just nodded.

"I know you were looking for a make out session but I really am stressed." I took a seat in the bed in the On Call Room.

"It's fine," He said a little disappointed as he put back his shirt on. "I understand it's a busy day and your first day of residency" he sighed, while throwing back his scrub pants on.

I just mumbled something that didn't sound human, but I knew Burke understood.

"I got a go and check up on a Post-Op patient" He said as he left the room.

As stressed as I was I paged my other option, Owen. As a intern in Seattle Grace hospital I always took an interest in cardiotharasics and my attending, Preston Burke mentored me and the we became friends will benefits. But my halfway through my internship I found Owen Hunt, head of Trauma and we quickly bonded. I have "benefits" with both of them and they know that, but I still can't choose one.

Burke helps me understand surgery but he can be a little impatient. Owen comforts me but is never there because there is always trauma and/or surgery.

Izzie's POV
(Residents lounge)

"OMG, GEORGE CAN YOU BELIEVE WE ARE RESIDENTS??!" I squealed to my best friend, George but quickly saw his sad face.

"Izzie your a resident, I failed my boards and I'm redoing my internship" he stated. All I could do was make a big O with my mouth, I knew he was nervous and stuff but I never put it together.

"Here they come" he pointed to the Mercy Westers.

An average sized blonde entered while holding a cute tall guys hand. They slowly made their way towards an empty cubby and then a perky redhead and a skinny black guy entered. They started talking to the couple who previously entered.

"Hi I'm April Kepner" the redhead announced.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Isobel Stevens but you can call me Izzie" I said to her and I let out my hand trying to be nice.

April shook it and so did the blonde. "I'm Meredith Grey" she smiled. Then she gasped.

"George O'Malley is that really you?" She said to my best friend.

"Oh my god! It's been awhile Mer" he said as he hugged her.

"How do you two know eachother?" Meredith's boyfriend or the guy that seemed like her boyfriend said,taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Well I was in med-school seminar a few years ago and I met George there and we became fast friends" she said to him.

Then I noticed the skinny black guy checking me out. "And you're name is..." I said to him.

"I'm Jackson Avery" he said shaking my hand and then Merediths boyfriend said "I'm Alex"

I quickly glared at George and I whispered "where's Christina?" Although Christina didn't like me and George she still hung out with us.

A/N The next update will be a Calzona update and Bailey also comes along. :)

+I would do the "this book belongs to me crap under no circumstances can this book be published without my knowledge and consent..." But I don't think people gonna be copying my story. But just incase... Her Soft Blue Eyes belongs to Aggressivekiwi. Under no circumstances can this book be published, utilized and or copied without my consent.


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